With a heavy heart…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I watched my best friend get married to the guy I have been in love with since the eighth grade. I was the maid of honor, and had to give a toast to the couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 878
You deserved it 17 930

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...sounds like a plot to a romantic comedy....


EmpyreanGoddess 0

Hahaha. This made me chuckle.

blah20 0

aww im so sorry. well at least you were a good friend and gave the toast right? i wouldnt posisbly in anyway be able to do that.

Time to drop it, move on and be happy for your friends.

sydsayslol 0

What everyone is missing is that if this girl is really her best friend she should know that she loves him, and if she knew that and still married him what can the OP do? or maybe the OP told him and he rejected her? its still going to be hard for her. no matter what, and thats what makes this a fml.

did you ever tell him? because if you didn't, YDI. because that's absolutely pathetic. you should of told him after a few MONTHS. not wait year after year after year after year WAITING for something tohappen. but if you did, FYL. but get over it, tbh. shit happens.

YDI. If its been since 8th grade,you screwed up by not telling him. Your too old for having a "Crush" if you could get married.

MsGates 0

Oooh hun I'm so sorry that suck did it friend even know that u liked him?? That's so wrong

you sound like a wonderful, kind and truly loyal friend. the world needs more people like you. to put your friends feelings and the feelings of your love ahead of your own is so difficult and painful. you must be more mature than most young people. good luck in finding your true love.

pinkdinosaur64 0

that's the hardest position to be in, and it hurts a lot. you have to move on and be happy for them. you'll find someone else you love in time