Wrong 'un

By TheBeautifulOne - 23/08/2012 13:42 - United Kingdom - Ayr

Today, I met a girl I used to make fun of in high school. She was taking my fingerprints after I was arrested. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 110
You deserved it 82 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheSnakeDoctor20 17

It's funny how people like you turn out.


the_derps 4

that's what you get for being a bully, dumb bitch. you clearly have no redeeming qualities. still a loser!

alychick 5
Azrael9 11

By your user name you are still the same stuck up bitch that you were in High School. YDI for thinking beauty is everything.

dixiefoxx 22

I'd start laughing at you if I was the girl. Oh god, I'd love to see the person who bullies me get sent to jail, he so deserves it, and yeah- since you picked on this girl, you deserve it.

bigtime_rocker 11
rampersaud 10

Karma=comes back and bites you in the ass.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Exactly what I've always told my kids! The bullies will someday be in jail, dead, homeless, on drugs or unemployed! What goes around, comes around! You get back what you give! It's Karma and it'll get you every time! YDI