WTF dude?

By Bug5992 - 09/12/2012 22:46 - United States - Kent

Today, I was getting intimate with my current booty-call when he thought it would be funny to make animal sounds. He "baa-ed", "moo-ed", and "gobbled" until losing his erection from intense laughter, leaving me there very confused and unsatisfied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 873
You deserved it 10 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not very amoosing for you? You picked a baad choice for a bootycall then. You udder reconsider picking your partners without doing a baackground check, so that they don't pull the wool over your eyes like that again and leave you unsatisfied. Don't be the kind of Chick that clucks with foul cocks.


Current bootycall?? Do you get a new bootycall each month or something??

You don't get intimate with a bootycall. You have sex with them

Once the path is mowed you can't control who walks it

And thats what makes him a booty call.. FYL.

duh, he was referring to you as a farm animal... probably won't be seeing him again... (and not by your choice).

Wait, I thought a booty call was when your ass dialed the phone... Is this a new phrase referring to phone sex?

osm1989_fml 6

That's butt dialing. A booty call is the call you make when you want to have no-strings-attached, meaningless sex with someone, or it can refer to the person to whom you make said call. However, I think you should continue to use the phrase "booty call" in the way you explained it, as I'm sure your friends find it very amusing. "I just made a booty call to my mom again!"

Maybe you need to find a real man for a real relationship instead of a 'booty call', cuz obviously he's a freakin' loser.