WTF dude?

By Bug5992 - 09/12/2012 22:46 - United States - Kent

Today, I was getting intimate with my current booty-call when he thought it would be funny to make animal sounds. He "baa-ed", "moo-ed", and "gobbled" until losing his erection from intense laughter, leaving me there very confused and unsatisfied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 873
You deserved it 10 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not very amoosing for you? You picked a baad choice for a bootycall then. You udder reconsider picking your partners without doing a baackground check, so that they don't pull the wool over your eyes like that again and leave you unsatisfied. Don't be the kind of Chick that clucks with foul cocks.


And you're a troll commenter who is probably trying to be funny. What about it? Edit: damnit, 2nd time I've been beaten to a comment on one FML XD

You're* and maybe you shouldn't be so judgmental. There are lots of reasons people have booty calls, one of which being that she doesn't want to be a **** and would rather sleep with someone she's comfortable with, however just doesn't want a serious relationship.

Yeah the comment I was responding to said, "Your a ****." It seems to have vanished. :/

savage93 11

I'll asume you meant to write on another comment

I did. And I even saw your out-of-thread moment which is now also gone. Hmm...

savage93 11

60- your picture goes well with your comment xD

savage93 11

I'll assume u meant to write on another comment Shit i meant to write on my thread

AnyaS 19

I'm surprised he was in a good mood laughing despite losing his erection.

naughtylez82 4

Am I the only one who found this humorous?

missrobynxx 3

Current booty call? What a *****

Time to whip out your vibrator once again.

That is one confident ************ if he thinks he can do that and expect you to come back... But like 1 said, very interesting person, if you happen to be looking for more than a booty call...?

And on his farm he had a goat and a cow with a baaa there a moo moo there baa there moo there everywhere baa there.