WTF dude?

By Bug5992 - 09/12/2012 22:46 - United States - Kent

Today, I was getting intimate with my current booty-call when he thought it would be funny to make animal sounds. He "baa-ed", "moo-ed", and "gobbled" until losing his erection from intense laughter, leaving me there very confused and unsatisfied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 873
You deserved it 10 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Not very amoosing for you? You picked a baad choice for a bootycall then. You udder reconsider picking your partners without doing a baackground check, so that they don't pull the wool over your eyes like that again and leave you unsatisfied. Don't be the kind of Chick that clucks with foul cocks.


KiddNYC1O 20

Doesn't matter, you have a bootycall.

U_GotitDude 18

That's what you get for having a bootycall

megamandude455 10

Op is female and she called him a bootycall? No wonder he did what he did.

raff696 3

You need to find a new booty call!

redmnky21 8

its from an espisode from the Showtime series of secret diary of a call girl

hateevryone 14

Get a boyfriend. Cause obviously bootycalls ain't about nothing.

evagil 4

well you need a new bootycall.

dont expected a booty call to take sex with you serious

Bug5992 2

Ermahgerd! My friend sent me this, like "omg someone has the same story!!" I then informed her that I wrote it. I had no idea that it had made it to the page. Also, in case you were wondering, this bootycall is no longer my bootycall. Yes, I call them bootycalls, because, well, that's exactly what they are lol.