WTF dude?

By meowtickmeow - 12/03/2010 01:18 - United States

Today, I had a strong feeling that someone was watching me as I was undressing to get ready for bed. I conspicuously moved to the door and threw it open to find my step-brother clearly spying on me. We are the same age, live in the same house three weeks a month and in the same English class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 649
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

court3love 0

YDI for moving "conspicuously." Pay more attention in that English class.


dudeitsdanny 9

If you're over... We can talk it over ;D If you're under... This applies until I turn 21 =P In 18 months ;D

dudeitsdanny 9

Calling out idiots who call people retards... I agree with her =P

That is disgusting! Be sure that you let your parent know this since this is the kind of thing you do not want to happen more than once.

dudeitsdanny 9

Or does she? She did, after all, continue undressing AND walked to the door conspicuously. She wanted to get something going

Were you still naked when you opened the door?

Shutup Shannon, Boon died on the island. It was probably Hurley.


if you didn't tell him anything it means you totally wanted it. it the great words of nostradomas "shorty wanna ****"

why are you undressing with the door open/ajar anyway? ydi for not closing/locking doors/curtains when undressing. Close the door and lock it. Idiot.

Rykey 0

@25 ...... so if a man stares at his wife as she's undressing....? :P why don't you think before you post?

that totally sucks. You should tell your parents. that's just creepy. Oh and btw first