WTF dude?

By meowtickmeow - 12/03/2010 01:18 - United States

Today, I had a strong feeling that someone was watching me as I was undressing to get ready for bed. I conspicuously moved to the door and threw it open to find my step-brother clearly spying on me. We are the same age, live in the same house three weeks a month and in the same English class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 649
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

court3love 0

YDI for moving "conspicuously." Pay more attention in that English class.


he's not related to you so there are no birth defects!:)

babedizzle 0

While the spying is creepy, at least he respects you enough to sniff your soiled panties when you are not home. He sounds like a real winner, you should marry him.

Babushka_Homyak 10

Kick that creeper in the face.

letsgobucks 0

ain't blood relation so let him hit it

baby_val 0

He clearly thinks you're hot enough to get a boner for. What he does with that boner is up to you. Either way, he needs that release.

KingJamesIII 0