WTF dude?

By meowtickmeow - 12/03/2010 01:18 - United States

Today, I had a strong feeling that someone was watching me as I was undressing to get ready for bed. I conspicuously moved to the door and threw it open to find my step-brother clearly spying on me. We are the same age, live in the same house three weeks a month and in the same English class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 649
You deserved it 2 702

Same thing different taste

Top comments

court3love 0

YDI for moving "conspicuously." Pay more attention in that English class.


10_4Franky 0
MangeMoi_fml 0

Number 14..he probably wouldn't be scared seeing that they're the same age.

alicia_was_here 3

um.. if he was clearly spying on you, wouldn't he run away when he saw you coming toward the door? he wanted you to see him.. maybe its his way of easing you into the real stepbrother-stepsister relationship that every stepbrother and stepsister has... at least it isn't his father yet.

xxdakotaxx 0

Itd be worse if OP is a dude... o.e

You were getting undressed in English class?Wow-cool teacher. No wait, I just put my glasses on. Darn: for a while there I thought this was pretty cool. OP--GET A CAN OF MACE!!! His will learn that seeing you nude is always followed by pain. No wait a minute....he might like that.

bisley 0

Same age. Step-brother. NOT RELATED? Sounds like a perfect WIN. Go for it, gurl! ;)

Gobsnoglin 0

You are not related. He thinks with his dick. To his dick, you are fair game. Deal with it.