By ricky the sage - 05/10/2013 00:04 - United Kingdom - Coventry

Today, I was on the bus, heading to work, when the girl beside me started yelling at me, claiming I was staring down her shirt. I did no such thing, but the driver nonetheless stopped the bus and made me get off, all under the withering glares of the other passengers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 443
You deserved it 3 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rainhawk94 27

that girl should get over herself


olpally 32

Desperate for attention much? Be glad you're off the bus away from the crazy bitch.

Did she at least have a good looking rack?

If you're getting kicked off anyway just take one hard glaring look then say "I wasn't looking before but now that I am I find that they are too lopsided to be arousing."

But what if she was convinced that he is staring?

it doesn't really matter at that point anyway, now does it?

Well you should say "Please don't stare at my penis." If of course, you're in this situation again.

And this happened in my hometown of Coventry?! This is angr..oh wait, yeh that sort of crap happens all the time in Cov, my bad,

ilytyvm 25

You could have said something like, "What's the point in looking down your shirt? My girlfriend has a smoldering gaze and bigger tatas than you could even dream about." First rule in basic life, always have a come back...

It's sad that anyone can spew bullshit about anyone like that and get an innocent person in trouble.

Sad, and incredibly frustrating, I'm sure.

Someone enjoys flattering them self xD don't take it to harshly maybe it's a sign that she wished you were checking her out :p

xzxXxzx 11

She just sounds selfish to me and wanted the entire seat for her self.

Reminds me of a story on Not Always Right about a girl who accused ugly guys of sexual harassment in a gym with automatic one year bans for harassment.

Talk about ****** up... I can't believe how shallow some people can freaking be...