You dolt!

By ilovefootball - 07/09/2009 19:21 - United States

Today, I was walking on a busy street. I saw this beautiful blonde walking across the street and a car was coming. I wanted to be like in the movies where the guy pushes the girl out of the way so she doesn't get hit. I accidentally pushed her the wrong way. Right into the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 198
You deserved it 78 197

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fxdxhk90 0

So..... what are the police charging you with?

dcstream 0


hahahaha FAIL!! how the shit did u get that right dude?

krivedko 0

WTF, this fml is up twice 0.o anyway, you're an idiot, how could you be that stupid? don't you know movies are fake?

lol way to go instead of pushing her away from danger you pushed her to danger ironic isnt it? XD

Who else doesn't believe 4/5 of what's posted?

brrrx 0

I believe exactly 1/8 of this post. "Today I was walking on a busy street." (8 words...60 word story) Actually, I'm not even sure if I believe this happened today. 7 words it is.

brrrx LOL you used kind of the same method I used to come up with how much of the story is believable. I gave him the "today" part on the grounds that it was the day he lied about it.

How can you still enter this? You would be in jail if this were true.