You OK, hun?

By llaurenmariee - 22/03/2012 08:00 - United States

Today, I was pooping at a local Target when I heard someone say, "You need to eat more solids, you're pooping like a rabbit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 430
You deserved it 4 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have always wondered how people can poop in public, because I have the fear someone will hear and make a comment like that.


In public bathrooms, there's always gønna be the dreaded Talker. The one that offers advice to pooping individuals, or tries to start a conversation with someone else while doing their business.

A diet rich in Fiber would surely do the trick.

ellytoad 13

Water and fiber is what is needed. Nosy eavesdropper, bad advice.

coughyochick 7

It's true. Try some steak, well done

op90 6

Thats the exact reason I never shit in public. Enough said.

This is why I don't leave my house in the morning before I poo. Pooing in public is scary and gross!

if its rabbit poo you need more liquids to soften it. also, for all you poop-phobes, putting loo roll down helps mask the plops

skyeyez9 24

When I was in Japan, their public toilets had buttons to press that played the sounds of a waterfall or birds singing, to hide the sound of you dropping a deuce.

bubo_fml 10

You're fortunate, I shit like an elephant!