You're gonna be a star

By JJ101 - 19/02/2010 11:52 - Australia

Today, I was teaching a special techniques class for ballet and was focusing on pirouettes. I was teaching a group of 8 year-olds, and one student could do perfect triple turns one after the other. I still can't do them, and I've been dancing for 15 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 229
You deserved it 6 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thighsofglory 0

It's the same thing with those little tiny gymnasts. The 8-year-old only weighs 60 pounds, maybe. I hope you weigh a little more.

if they can do that, you must be a good teacher? PEOPLE STOP BEING SUCH DOUCHEBAGS. its not easy you know! christ.


blubedy 0

triples are soo easy ive been dancing for 10 years and i learned how to do them in my 8th year and the kid is 8 there is no way that kid had it perfect ,unless they had perfect turn out the perfect placement of second ,forth,and fifth position and had the perfect placement of the posse. So dont worry about it you're probably not teaching them right .And you not teaching them correct is what you should you be worrying about so its not a big deal.

Is this supposed to make her feel better or worse...? lol

gatorgrl 0

Don't worry about it. When I'd been dancing for 15 years, I struggled with triples (still do), but I was strong in other areas (love allegro combinations!) and was in the top level at my studio. It's definitely frustrating when younger dancers do what you can't, but it' doesn't have to be a huge deal. There's a lot that goes into turns, and I do think some people are just more gifted with different things (not that training doesn't help). Work on what you want to improve (ask other teachers for advice, sometimes you just need to hear it explained a different way), and be glad for what you can do well. If you weren't a good dancer, or didn't understand the concepts, you wouldn't have gotten a teaching position.

timk_fml 2

@105... those who cannot.. teach instead.

BalletMae 0

Don't worry... That's abnormal. I've been taking ballet for eleven years, and I also teach a class. I have never seen an eight year old do anything more than half a single, and I teach at/attend one of the most highly-ranked ballet schools in the state of Texas.

perhaps you yourself can't be successful as a dancer, but you can become a star teacher starting with this talented prodigy. you see star coaches out there who are lauded for making champions, yet they can't do shit themselves right??

this is why you teach 8 year olds. doing what you love for a living is probably better if you don't suck at it.

dancinfreak824 0

I know, I've been in dance for only about five years, and I'm working on pentuple (that's 5). if you can't do a triple, and you've been dancing that long, then you either went to a sucky dance studio, or you don't work hard.

to the jerks out there who are saying the teacher sucks shut up, some people like her student are just naturally gifted, so to OP it's nothing to be ashamed of