You're gonna be a star

By JJ101 - 19/02/2010 11:52 - Australia

Today, I was teaching a special techniques class for ballet and was focusing on pirouettes. I was teaching a group of 8 year-olds, and one student could do perfect triple turns one after the other. I still can't do them, and I've been dancing for 15 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 229
You deserved it 6 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thighsofglory 0

It's the same thing with those little tiny gymnasts. The 8-year-old only weighs 60 pounds, maybe. I hope you weigh a little more.

if they can do that, you must be a good teacher? PEOPLE STOP BEING SUCH DOUCHEBAGS. its not easy you know! christ.


alyssax33 0

sweetheart, if you've been taking dance classes for 15 years, you should have gotten your triple a long time ago. they honestly are not that hard. take a ballet class. I've been dancing for 12 years now, and I've had a triple since the age of 10. I currently have a clean 4 pirouettes and 5 on a good day.

Pearljammer001 0

career* friggin iPod keyboard is too tiny

don't worry. I have been dancing 4 13 years and I only have a double. my sister has been dancing 4 10 years and she has her quad. it all depends on the person.

BalletMae 0

Are you a guy? Because guys have the privilage of doing turns from second. I'm thirteen, and I can do, on a good day, four. And if you are a girl, are they en pointe? Because turns en pointe are 50 times easier.

heybud 0

then maybe you shouldn't be teaching.

perdix 29

The kid's a natural, but you are a hard-working dedicated journeyman who'll never surpass mediocrity. Don't feel so bad. Right now, you are much better than her in the sack. In about 10 years, she'll humiliate you at that, too, so enjoy your decade of superiority.

maddy0210 2

dont be mean just cuz she cant do a triple doesnt mean shes not good im 11and i can do a triple and sum of my teachers cant any more soo wat

mckkayua 0

then how could you have been teaching it?