You're gonna be a star

By JJ101 - 19/02/2010 11:52 - Australia

Today, I was teaching a special techniques class for ballet and was focusing on pirouettes. I was teaching a group of 8 year-olds, and one student could do perfect triple turns one after the other. I still can't do them, and I've been dancing for 15 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 229
You deserved it 6 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thighsofglory 0

It's the same thing with those little tiny gymnasts. The 8-year-old only weighs 60 pounds, maybe. I hope you weigh a little more.

if they can do that, you must be a good teacher? PEOPLE STOP BEING SUCH DOUCHEBAGS. its not easy you know! christ.


that's okaii OP just because you can't do a triple doesn't mean your bad maybe your doubles are amazing I can personally do 4-5 turns in a row but I don't have my splits but that doesn't mean I'm no good I can still do lots of other stuff

xtremedancer97 0

only a dancer would get why that's truly an "FML" statement . i've been dancing for 11 years now and i get how frustrating it can be when someone who's younger than you can do so much more . . .

some people on here are being rude! I'm sure you are a great dancer but no one can be perfect or the same. isn't that part of the beauty of dance? don't fret not being able to do one little move and be proud of your dancing abilities and your teaching because obviously you are doing something right. :-)

Splayd 10

Thumbs up this post if you are now dizzy from attempting triple turns.

adautumnfan 9

Ive been dancing 4 ten years and cant even do a double pirouette

Just because you have a ballet genius in your class doesn't mean you're a bad teacher.

Hey, I've been dancing for 10 years and I still suck at triples. Was the kid Asian? Sometimes they're just magnificent dancers for no real reason.

practice makes perfect right? Don't let it bother you much, there will always be people who are better (harsh reality) at least you can proudly talk about that student YOU teached that knows how to dance well!!

UhYeahNoThanks 4

15 years and you can't do a triple, how do you do foutes?