You're nicked

By DrunkenValor - 06/09/2009 04:03 - United Kingdom

Today, my friend got drunk. We tried to get him into a cab, he punched me in the face, three chavs then accosted me, accusing me of trying to mug him. I was then beaten up by said chavs and then the police charged me for being drunk and disorderly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 306
You deserved it 3 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The word "Chav" is derived from Council House And Violence, CHAV. They are always Scum, walk around wearing hoodies and trakkies (jogging bottoms in the USA I believe?) And they are generally the degenerates of life that are only going to cost the rest of us money through Tax's as they will never have a job and are obsessed with alcohol, swearing and having as many spawn with as many girls as possible.


Our language is silly? How so? You're forgetting that you also speak English... Except you've all kind of turned it into American, and added your own weird words. Then you have the cheek to say the people who invented the language are doing it wrong!? This is bloody American cultural imperialism.. :l

A chav, or Ned is a Brittish male or female who goes around with a bottle of buckfast/frost jacks (cheap cider) picking fights with the majority of people they see. They hang around in packs, drinking, doing drugs and smoking. They draw on walls, smash in windows, batter random people and rarely go to school. For the chavs that do go to school, they arrive whenever they can be arsed and skive and smoke/ drink/ get high instead, or don't do anywork, and don't turn up for exams. They don't tend to get a decent job. An average chav or ned are aged 12-18, but there are older and younger ones. No, a chav is not the same as a wigger or a lad. They generally shag anyway they can get their hands on and male or female, are big slags. Chavs have a tendancy to get themselves pregnant in their early(13) to late teens(18), it's kind of their thing. Of course, not all of them are that bad, who knows, there could be a 13 year old chav virgin out there SOMEWHERE! Hope this sheds some light, you silly americans. PS about the whole stereotype thing, if chavs and or neds spend the majority of their time ripping people, why do we not have the right to call them what we want? To guy, That sucks, Hope your face gets better! (I didnt mean that in a mean way btw)

when your friend starts getting really loopy and clumsy, tell him to lay off the sauce. simple enough.

As someone who lives in the UK, i'd like to comment and say that Chavs are not necessarily young. the majority of the ones that i see, as a young person myself are around 30. i find it very irritating that young people today are often stereotyped as "Hoodies" or "Neds" or even that we're simply up to no good. i think the older generation that does the stereotyping are a bunch of ignorant pricks who make me sick.

in ireland, there are typical chavs, who wear the nike trakkies and massive white trainers and all the gold jewellry, and the guys are complete perverts and will basically shag anything that moves. and the girl chavs have trakkies, trainers, normally kind of greasy hair, and a really high ponytail, and they are CAKED in orange makeup and eyeliner. andd there are 'posh chavs' who wear hollister, superdry, abercrombie or jack wills trakkies, and are still caked in makeup and jewellry ect. basically all the chav girls are complete ***** and the guys are pervs, and they are generally the teens who get pregnant and rob people and eat people up, and they give all the other teens a bad name:( basically they act hard as ****, but they're actually just a bunch of *******.

baby_gore 0

lol thank god I read the comments. you lost me at chav.

jake040 3

heard the saying? " NEVER HELP PEOPLE"

jake040 3

heard the saying? " NEVER HELP PEOPLE"