You what now?

By foshizzle - 25/04/2012 06:46 - United States - Orlando

Today, while at work, a man grabbed my beard, said it was impressive, and then uttered the words, "I love you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 979
You deserved it 3 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnearthlyEnemy 9

Grab his face, compliment it, then utter "but we cannot be together".

That man obviously knows whats up. Take it as a compliment.


This actually made me lol!! That's is so creepyshly weird

MindlessRobot 0

Sorry about that. My dad just really likes beards.

I said you deserved it, because you must have a great beard

thenewlautner 4

...and then you went out for ice cream... now that's what I call a sticky situation!

xIBleedPurplex16 0

Did you leave any part of this post out to make it less akward? Ill attempt to fix it...........OP "Today, whilr at work, a man grabbed my beard, said it was inpressive ""abd with my beard still in his hand he pulled my face close to his"" and then uttered the words, "I love you." FML

patacus 14