You what now?

By foshizzle - 25/04/2012 06:46 - United States - Orlando

Today, while at work, a man grabbed my beard, said it was impressive, and then uttered the words, "I love you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 979
You deserved it 3 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnearthlyEnemy 9

Grab his face, compliment it, then utter "but we cannot be together".

That man obviously knows whats up. Take it as a compliment.


DKjazz 20

Somebody forgot to take his meds.

ryukk_fml 3

There is nothing wrong with a little man love. C:

DKjazz 20

Fair enough, but if a girl had grabbed his beard and proclaimed her love for him, just out of nowhere and in all seriousness, wouldn't you think she was out of her mind?

There is nothing in the world more refreshing as love at first sight. He probably walked away dreaming of your manly whiskers tickling his upper lip as you kiss, then feeling them scratch against his thighs as you provide him with oral pleasure. Imagine the spank session he is going to have at home tonight! You have provided this man with hours, possibly days or weeks of pleasure. I tip my cap to you Sir, you are generous to a fault and think only of others!

He must have been talking about the small bump on your nose. It's very attractive.

ayyemmcee 1

Maybe he's just bad at pickup lines, and that was his way of hitting on you....

Is this man's name Kesha by any chance ?