You what now?

By foshizzle - 25/04/2012 06:46 - United States - Orlando

Today, while at work, a man grabbed my beard, said it was impressive, and then uttered the words, "I love you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 979
You deserved it 3 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UnearthlyEnemy 9

Grab his face, compliment it, then utter "but we cannot be together".

That man obviously knows whats up. Take it as a compliment.


Probably knew you in a past life....he was your brother that kept telling you to grow out your beard and you never least he found you again

No one can resist the power of the beard.

Did you tell him that he was invading your territorial bubble?

TrueHeartsPro 3

Sounds like something Shaycarl would say! XD

TheEpicMilkMan 13

the mental image that Noor just put in my head...omg haha xD

Noor, You are on my list of funny people for these kinds of comments :) Stay funny! Great mental image!!!

jasminesaffa29 0
Sinkhole 26

Your beard is woven of heartache, OP. Your beard is good. Just a compliment for you…your beard. Just a compliment about your beard…being good.

justlikeme79 9

Yes! FOTC! Bret, you got it going on (;