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By Anonymous - 28/12/2010 10:47 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on a crowded bus on the way back from my boyfriend's when I suddenly had a terrible nose bleed. I had no tissues, so instead I had to use last night's underwear from my bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 388
You deserved it 5 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Too bad a tampon couldn't save your underwear this time.

Question is what did you do with last nights underwear last night?


Question is what did you do with last nights underwear last night?

fakeaccountX 6

No the question is why do you keep underwear in your bag?

RedPillSucks 31

She was not able to do last nights laundry at her boyfriends house so the underwear was packed.

beatlesfreak 0

28 . are you retarded ? she was at her boyfriends house for the night . she wasn't gonna wear the same underwear for 2 days , dumb ass

FyreKrotch 1

Did you not have a shirt or anything else you could use?

Nobody gave you a tissue?! Man those people are all bitches!!!!

perdix 29

Sorry that happened to you, but the image of chick on the bus going commando makes me hot!

peff_fml 6

haha, what if she's a granny. LOL!

perdix 29

You mean like Sarah Palin? Cut out her vocal cords and she'd be the perfect woman! Rawr!

TheDrifter 23

Hey now Perdix, the accent isn't THAT bad. At least it's not a Boston or Jersey accent.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

What does the accent have to do with anything? He was simply stating that the perfect woman wouldn't be able to talk lol

perdix 29

Not exactly, thrasher or drifter, I don't have a problem with her accent, it's the content of her speech that turns me off. I can't get a boner from a woman who believes in "death panels!" I guess she couldn't be perfect, because a woman who can speak well can add to her attractiveness.

awks 0

man that really sucks 1. it's gross because your bleeding everywhere 2. you have to pull out your underwear in front of everyone (; ̄ェ ̄)

whoopyouupsideyo 0

that is one way to be called a brown noser.