By smokin - 26/07/2011 21:22 - United States

Today, someone had the unique opportunity to be able to say to me, "Excuse me, your pants are on fire." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 096
You deserved it 5 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fx13mz 7
iAmScrubs 19

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Go to a club and start dancing. Then you will truly have the fire burning on the dance floor.


Spade606 6

Did your pubes catch on fire too?

aliceisbored 11

That really isn't nice at all.

I've had the chance to tell someone that back in high school welding class, was pretty funny.

8 - apparently pubes are still flammable, so that's a possibility

Fx13mz 7

I though it was called a crotch rocket...?


Gotta bush fire going on down there

turkishjew 0

I just don't have anything to say about this

hiflier1012 3

maybe OP was the same FML person that set their pubes on fire..

zyperman43 19
magnetic_aura 26

Obviously, OP told a lie. ;-)

I saw your profile picture and immediately read "liar" as "lyre".

iAmScrubs 19

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Go to a club and start dancing. Then you will truly have the fire burning on the dance floor.

were you by any chance singing Kasabian's I am on fire....

txgirl2013 14