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By Anonymous - 26/12/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, I was riding the train home, and I sat in the row in front of a homeless woman. I noticed an old man staring at me. I got off the train after a long 6 stops, and the old man who had been staring at me walks up to me and says "The lady behind you was flicking lice onto you the whole time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 860
You deserved it 2 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:O Oh my, he should have told you earlier . Last! >_>

I would have socked him in the face because he didn't tell me earlier. Actually, in real life, I wouldn't do that. I would just mention it to him angrily. But because I'm on the internet, I can pretend to be a big, tough guy who would kick someone's ass for stepping on my sneakers.


:O Oh my, he should have told you earlier . Last! >_>

Poke_my_mon 0

Last? As in, opposed to first? I get it. I see what you did there. High five !

i fought lice for a long time, and so did my whole family. the only thing that worked for us is going to "the hair faries". google them and i promise they will take care of it for you. hopefully there's one around you. they have a series of treatments that rids of them super fast

just wondering, if she is homeless where is she going on the train?

She must have been so infested that they were crawling on her skin and her clothes and down the strands of her hair if she was able to catch them. Which is so disgusting it spew worthy D:

Thats why I keep my distance in case they are infested with fleas/lice...

Ick. Think he coulda told you or something..

I would have socked him in the face because he didn't tell me earlier. Actually, in real life, I wouldn't do that. I would just mention it to him angrily. But because I'm on the internet, I can pretend to be a big, tough guy who would kick someone's ass for stepping on my sneakers.

ha ha ha u are funny and I <3 ur pic too!!!

balla4204 0

what an ass, thanks for letting u kno after u have a whole bunch of lice in ur hair!

postaltubealex 0

go to the pharmacy and get everything they have.

Never actually seen lice before... Is it possible to flick it? I would assume they lived near the scalp? Terrifying to go on public transit now haha.

they look like a cross between a spider and an ant. They live on the scalp causing the itchiness and I think they eat the dead skin on it. I fought them for a whole year. They really like that back part of your head. Lice cannot jump and apparently it is possible to flick them. OP, get lice shampoo and a lice comb ASAP. You could also use some really thick conditioner, not the kind in the bottle, the kind in the jar. Go over every section of your head three or four times. Hell, make it ten.

They don't eat the dead skin they suck the blood which is why they are so itchy like Mosquitos

FYL! - what a horrible man and what a disgusting lady! to the chemist quick!

Eww, he should have said something sooner..

Oh my goodness, FYL! That's just about one of my biggest fears, I'm horrendously phobic of lice. What an absolutely disgusting woman, and an awful man for not saying anything before! Get straight to the chemist, lice can be terrors to get rid of, but it'll be easier if you do it sooner rather than later.