By crazy_mom - 01/11/2010 15:10 - United States

By crazy_mom - 01/11/2010 15:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/08/2014 05:51 - United States - Hicksville
By burb - 25/09/2013 19:23 - Germany - Berlin
By Anonymous - 23/03/2025 21:00 - South Africa - Cape Town
By swtkiss1 - 18/02/2009 22:26 - United States
By policeopenup - 11/07/2009 19:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/11/2021 06:00 - Philippines - Roxas
By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/09/2023 06:00
By Anonymous - 13/02/2013 11:47 - United Kingdom - Stevenston
By thissucks - 01/03/2009 19:27 - United States
did you really just say that? if ur serious ur pathetic.
That sucks, but mostly you deserve it for saying "maths" if you're living in the US.
LOL #22...I second that
Did you get your freak on?
Mom win.
how bout y did the mom even have these things
gtdriver. nice dfs. lol
well at least you don't have to worry about you mom getting you in trouble for watching ****?
Because she has this thing called 'sense of humour' I think that's bloody hilarious. However, why would OP's mother have **** magazines and handcuffs >_<
its cool offer to get ur mom a drink and put eyedrops in it. thatll teach her.
Yes let's put his mother in a coma for a prank
is that wut eyedrops can do?
noo it just gives u diarhea
Is that sarcasm?
That's how they spell it everywhere except America. Who's a prick now?
Still you, mordion.
He wasn't a prick until asking 'who's a prick now?' You need to learn to roll with Knibbsy, and if he's wrong just go 'Ahhh, what's he like!' :)
I'm not a prick, I'm an ass. The subtle difference is that my original statement was correct. :D
The fact that he said "maths" is a pretty reliable indication that he isn't *from* the US, even if he lives here now.
you know, you could have a sciences test, if it was an overall test. and Englishs would become Englishes, #5
Well the whole term is actually mathematics, you would'nt say mathematic now would you.
Oooh, a maths debate. Can I join in? *fapfapfap*
1.75, 3.5, 5.25 only if you know what the 52nd term would be :)
yes maths... as in short for mathematics... you'll notice both are plural so maths is actually more grammatically correct than math singular.. don't be such a smartass
You're wrong. we are shortening mathematics to math(ematics). so it would not be math(ematic)s. That would be stupid.
thank you for clearing that up, I didn't know that. mom:="win"
retard, in the uk maths means mathematics because mathematics is plural. so technically Americans are the people pronouncing it wrong. asshole
silly uk peasants, no wonder the British empire has crumbled away
:o MAZCAR is it 91?
I can imagine the explanation now 'Wait don't leave they are my mom's mags n cuffs!' lmao
That would be hilarious! xD @ OP, You're mom is hilarious although it sucks for you. None-the-lesssssss. HILARIOUS :L
I bet his mom had it all figured out. Once you'll laugh.
You should have told her that was for later, *wink* and then throw the mags @ ur mom
Your mother did this?!? What the hell goes on at your house? I'm not saying your mother should not have a sex life, but does she not know what a boundary is?
Where the **** mags & handcuffs from your Moms personal stash? Kind of disturbing.
I can imagine the explanation now 'Wait don't leave they are my mom's mags n cuffs!' lmao