Wrong door

By apavies444 - 28/11/2010 07:10 - United States

Today, while sleeping over at my girlfriend's house for the first time, I got up to go to the bathroom. I went to go back and once in the room asked, "You ready for round two baby?" The light came on and at this moment I realized I went into her parents' bedroom by mistake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 161
You deserved it 45 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

and then her dad said "sure am cupcake ;)"

FYLDeep 25

I take it you two were playing Poker and it was time for round two of the game. Although there is one variant of the game known as Poke-her which doesn't involve cards.


c8750 2

I thought the mods were out to get anyone who stupidly posts first. What a waste of time. Don't you have anything better to do than be first commenter on FML

and then her dad said "sure am cupcake ;)"

cradle6 13

shit man. that'd freak the hell out of me

This same kind of situation has happened to me before. It's pretty ****** scary. Never want to relive that again..

crystalbluewolf 3
youfailed18 0

He obviously didn't do her mom. Please stop asking stupid, ridiculous questions that make you look like an idiot by trying to be funny.

youfailed18 0

You're a douche-bag for insulting questions by other people. You don't have to insult people to make yourself feel better. If you're really that insecure, do something about it. Insulting people is not the way to go.

If you don't want people to tell you your questions are stupid, then stop asking stupid questions. Problem solved.

andacondakiwi 11

I'm going to have to agree with Boopityboopity, although I can see that you were (hopefully) just kidding and only trying to be funny

jdawgg92 1

I thought youfailed18's comment was pretty funny.

Yes, but stupid people beget stupid questions, 51.


The light bulb went on in the FML, but I think yours is broken.

DaveOnDope 4

poopoo, wait until you get older. Your inhibitions drop while the chance for spraining something gets higher. So it kinda evens out in a way. Earn your red wings then we'll talk.

I saw a verrrry similar FML to this except it was the girl who went into the guy's parents' room asking where her clothes were. ¬_¬

oops!! never going to make that mistake again huh?

rafiki19 1

maybe you should think before you speak. are you directionally challenged ?

FYLDeep 25

I take it you two were playing Poker and it was time for round two of the game. Although there is one variant of the game known as Poke-her which doesn't involve cards.

Lady_Tahtahs 0

That sucks but you have to admit it is something to laugh at. For most of us anyway. :D