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By Anonymous - 15/05/2011 04:41 - United States

Today, I realized that my pubes are longer than my penis itself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 733
You deserved it 26 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments


bhurberry 0

that's the main reason to cut your pubes. makes the penis look way bigger!

PSQ91 6

You'll have a enormous penis/pubes ratio then :)

Takador 3
alexg823 0

what if his pubes are 2 in long? :( sorry bro

QwertyMcNugget 0
FuniiBunii 0

Or your pubes are too long or your dick is 2 short :/

staceysgenesis16 0

i agree! thats.. wierd. so you should cut them.

I'm not going to thumb this up because as of now it has 69 likes and that just makes it better.

cut the bushes to make the tree look taller

or cut the grass and make the lawn look bigger ;)

Imabigbeast 5

Kill all sort people to make you look taller.

Imabigbeast 5

because it's a stereotype that Asians have tiny weenies.

racist, but also true, and funny. same as black people stereotyped to have generally larger penises. and get an enhancement OP. it kinda sucks for a sex life if it's that small. either that or randomly decide to be gay, in which case you might lose all ur guy freinds

apparently, the average Asian penis is about 3-4 inches erect. I don't really think it's true because I'm Asian and I'm 7.5.

I just threw up all over my ******* iPod. shave them sons of bitches!!!!

but what if he cuts his dick off... seems it's smaller then the pubes he has no way of telling (that was a joke, I am aware that he'd notice if he was cutting his dick)

crengel 0

and that's why 13 year olds shouldn't be allowed on the site....

sheagstaz 0

The easiest solution would be to get the surgery (wait for the thumbs down)

it's either you have large pubes and a large penis, or small pubes and a small penis

zendaddy0 0

op needs to grow some hai- oh yah

baby_gurl2405 0
psihofoliya 0

He suppose to be gay if he has a small dick and writing it on the FMl

kgbriggs 0

eeeeewwwwwww that's disgusting

LoveCali 0

Ewww Pubes Are Gross But Im Sorry:(

Why are pubes disgusting? They're there for a reason. You expect guys to shave them off so he looks like an 8-year old kid? Wtf is wrong with you? Note: It's actually unhygienic to shave them off. And in the case of guys, women find guys with pubes more attractive than guys without.

lildevil963 0

the funny thing is he shaves his pubes.

Maybe we shouldn't judge by age yet by maturity . You could of said this is why immature people should be allowed on this site that way you wont offend a crowd of young but mature people thats getting talked down on because of stupid immature 13 year olds that makes us look bad

Telling the point of your joke makes it seem dumb.

the bright side is... your gf will have an easier time giving ********

The addition to the bright side is... your girlfriend's ***** will appear untouched and fresh like a virgin for her next partner

I don't think op has a girlfriend, but I could be wrong... No, nevermind there's no chance in hell

kingtz 6

Yet another bright side, is that you're not too big for anal! Now tell your girlfriend the happy news.

ImaWiseGuy 5

you thought you had a pube till you peed from it....

OP does not have a gf. If by some miracle he did, we wouldn't have a pub FML, we'd have a small penis FML.

Pownzeez 0

people could misconstrue this as you saying penis lol, and idk why u hope he has 6 inch pubes, just saying for a dude to hope a dude has long pubic hair so he doesnt have a "small" penis seems a bit gay to me.

At 12: Is there something wrong with being gay?? Oh yeah.... No there isn't.

SofaKingHappy 0

**** you man really you dont have to be gay to not be a homophobe

52's photo looks pretty homophilic to me ;)

tmmundy 17
tmmundy 17

that was for 106's comment to 104.

Felix_Felicis15 8

Hmmm... 12 seems either a bit homophobic or just plain intolerant to me. I see nothing wrong with people being gay.

I read penis also haha not pines. and everyone has there own opinions on gays. In my book dicks and hairy asses don't match.

Why does everyone instantly jump to the conclusion that 12 was commenting on possible homosexuality as a negative? He made no judgement on it one way or another. Way to betray your underlying, ingrained homophobia folks.

I read Pubes instead of pines. Not penis

hahaha 12 I was thinking the same thing

36 every thing is wrong with being an uphill gardener. Go ahead and all you people call me intolerant and homophobic which to the latter I am. Go to hell seamon deamons

UnderTheMoon 0

Why is it when people talk about homosexuals they instantly barge into bedrooms? Just because someone is attracted another of their own gender doesn't mean it's loveless. But OP really does need to shave, if not for someone else then for their self-esteem.

TheNinjaBuffalo 0

That is an incredibly small tree..more of a sprout, if you ask me.

Hhisme 0

6" is average... bragging about length (especially over the internet) only leads some people to believe that you are the one with the baby penis.

Uncool_LikeYou 0

338 you obviously didn't get the joke...

luke1998 0

OMG! do u really have to share the size of your pubes and penis to da whole world! ?

Ewwwwwwwww y does he need to tell da world about this my day was goin FRICKIN ah MAZING until I read about this!

383 and 384, you must be new. Welcome to FML, if you get grossed out by this stuff then GTFO.

Chaosaiyan 6

Your name matches so well with the comment.

There's an easy solution to this: Get a bigger penis. Problem solved!

Pownzeez 0

You my friend are a genius.

and the key to this would be an enlarger lol

penis extention works if u dont care what u feel

*writes this down* any other ideas! you are brilliant *high fives*

You thought you had your first pube 'till you pissed out of it nah man that sucks

Maybe he's hung like a tuna can, first inch that counts....

How can you not get it? Hung is the length... The OP is essentially referring to his penis being short due to it's length not being as long as his pubes. I was making a joke and complimenting the OP at the same time. While it may be short like a tuna can it has great girth like the tuna can. I'm not going to explain the first inch, if you don't know that about your own ****** then I feel sorry for you.

mwheatley8991 0

he's saying his penis is thin like a hair, lol he thought he grew his first pube but it was in fact just an extremely thin penis lol. get it now?

mwheatley8991 0

you should add me on Facebook, just search that

goliatron 9

I had the same pubes were 10 inches long!

why would you let your pubes grow that long? you are not the Zohan!

why would you grow them that long? haha

CaughtChaLookin 0
painlessmind 11

I busted out laughing for real!!

shortie916 0

I'm going to guess your a virgin too

drethereason 0

I honestly don't get why this was thumbed down so many times... it's just a bad joke, relax people

sheagstaz 0

this is the most thumbs down I have seen in a while. good job

hahahahhaha -294 likes. nice work douchebag.

sbwaves 0

that's gross shave that shit

did you shave them or landscape?!?! Lord have mercy!!!

MissKelly8D 0
yoshi1mex 5
kewlkate 9

Three words: Too Much Information.

You guys obviously don't understand sarcasm... -_-

AsianCookie247 14
SteelCladAngel 0

is it bad that I read this in clevelands voice? haha

agreed. Dont even use the word nasty so many people will use that against you. ew

br0itstaylor 0

actually I think her face is gorgeous, haters gonna hate though.

If only tupac were alive to read these fml's. they're superfucking funny! rest in peace my ni**** tupac. we miss you and there are still people with longer pubes than penis' just as you prohesized.

suckmynerds 0

what does tupac have ANYTHING to do with this FML??

Tupac is the answer to all things in life

PSQ91 6

No big deal, unless your pubes are 4-5 inches long...

so his penis is three inches.? that's still a problem.

TabzTheLoserKidd 4

so therefore he has MP? bahah