By CaoiiBieber - 17/07/2011 19:15 - Ireland

Today, I accidentally deep throated a fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 255
You deserved it 38 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments


JayBear14 11

-10 depends what was on the end of the fork

I'm sure it was an accident. you were just practicing for your boyfriends prosthetic genitalia.

Jay Bear, Why don't you come over and I'll show you.;) But I don't have a fork. Hope that's alright.

Jay Bear, Why don't you come over and I'll show you.;) But I don't have a fork. Hope that's alright.

futtbuck101 1

insert dirty joke here "______________"

**** this double posting bullshit. Mother ******.

Jake_2013 0

OP should be used to deep-throating items. her last name is Beiber.

ImmortalKratos 0

old habits die hard I guess. have you gotten rid of your gag reflex op?

2ndSucks 15

Practicing with forks just isn't practical, op. Try using a 3 musketeers bar. Or gogurt for the full effect.

eckksDeeitsTravi 0

you must live in soviet Russia... if you get that joke, kudos

tacocannon99 5

this must be gayboii again...

Well, if it wasn't an accident, then hopefully it works according to plan (;

man_in_black08 28

bahahahahahahahahaha WIN ^^

StudMuffinette 17

op must've been pretty damn hungry

JayBear14 11

Nah girl, we're the same age. It's not creepy at all..... Nah you're right it's pretty creepy.

I'm on iPhone and I find it very difficult to click on this FML?

YDI it for making this hard to select on my iPhone.

That's what happens when you blow the tin man!

JayBear14 11

okay the comment you made was creepy, but funny ill give you that

51, 118, 119, etc. Stop whining. Concisely effed lives are the best. You're just jealous of pro clickers who get it first try, like me.

jaybear. I'm just going to say that posting pictures of you in a bikini on a public site where most people remain anonymous is basically asking for the more perverted users to send you a message or creep on you.. id recommend not using it. but your choice.

JayBear14 11

oh boy, im really sorry about that, honest i thought i had changed it, i apologize..

OP, you're doing this totally wrong. Gayboii mastered the art of deep throat already. Try a pen next time. You fail.

Well I'm not afraid of not being anonymous. So I'll give you guys my name, address, real DOB, Social Security Number, Drivers License, STDs, and my paychecks. And not being In a bikini won't effect what I say. If I find someone attractive I make it very well known.


wow i thought i was the only one

futtbuck101 1

139 her name has bieber in it.

if that kind of joke didn't work the first 50 times, it's not gonna work for you.

Did someone say Justin Beiber?! OMG! *Screams like a little girl*

proxxX069069 7

but biebers balls didn't drop yet?

"Today, I accidentally my whole fork. FML." Fixed.

when you apply for a job be sure to mention that where it asks what your good at... you'll get the job for sure.

91- says the dude with a Justin bieber haircut, lulz

Exweese me?? Oh no you didn't. Honestly, I hate Justin Bieber but I LIKE his haircut. That's actually the new style. Getcho' $h¡T str8. Duhh.

kateland10 0
Fruitmonster2 15

I get it, but still explain. :3

missIrene 6

1- my thoughts exactly 83- there is no such thing as perfect

TheSchizoPsycho 5
JayBear14 11

tthis is probs a lie on the show untold stories of the er a bulimic girl deep throated one and choked to death...

feralphoenix 4

a whole new level of kinky.

I have no gag reflex... Guess OP is trying to get rid of hers too. Lol!

TheSnakeDoctor20 17

someone likes things in their through

I assume you were trying to spell throat, in that case, you should not be allowed on the internet...

TheSnakeDoctor20 17

I misspelled throat and my spellcheck replaced it with through, nice being an asshole

gingerftw 0

it's dicks like captain_obvious that shouldn't be aloud to post things on the Internet

victimization 0

hes an asshole because you cant read what you type?

chaoticnh 0

it's all about the sporking

how could you people put negative votes on that?!?! I enjoyed that joke