By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 19:36 - United States - Houston

By Anonymous - 16/08/2012 19:36 - United States - Houston
That's what u get for being a cheating Douche Bag!!
OP your a dumbass and a cheating douche. I hope the wrong person finds that list and gives you what you deserve..
Simply making such a list already qualifies OP as a douche bag in my book, the cheating just tops it off...
19- that may just be the most redundant thing I've seen/heard all day... I've never once heard someone go,"He cheated on his last girlfriend? That's such an attractive quality."
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayYes it does. It says she is not last on the list meaning there have been others after her. He didn't say EX girlfriend so that means ... He cheated.
84 Do you know what chronological means? It means by order of time, if his Girlfriend is not last on a list ordered by time.... well....
#84: Chronological Order: the arrangement of things following one after another in time Which means he slept with other women AFTER he slept with his girlfriend.
Douche! ;).
Are you stupid? His Gf is NOT last on the list! He said they're In CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER meaning he's slept with someone after his Gf! Moron.
Who said he cheated, maybe he had sex with them before they were dating
91 & 93 - he already said he read it wrong ****** relax.
151- it's possible, but unlikely.
But she probably is the only human on the list.
She wasn't the last one on the list...he has slept with people after her. That means he is a cheating douche bag and he'll probably die alone with a half rotted dick like he deserves.
i read this fml in the 'moderafe' section, it also said that her mum was both.
Anyone els think this sounds like something off American pie?.... No?..... Ok I'll shut up :3
I don't see anything wrong with keeping records of that but the ratings are a little much. Cheating is deplorable, though, and you'll get no sympathy for her having found out about something she had a right to know anyway.
Me too! Beta house! ******* love that movie!
The way the FML was worded very strongly implies cheating.
Yeah 18 you doesn't you typing "your a dumbass" mean you are a dumbass. I'm only a grammar Nazi when someone misspells while Insulting someone and it makes me want to punch people like that in the face.
OP you mean one of your girlfriends. Since you have a list of them, why are you upset over it? If you truly cared about her you wouldn't be a cheating bastard!
Anybody else think of Barney Stinson while reading this FML?
Why can't people stick with one person. They get all the sex they want, but sometimes you can't just have sex all the time, but it doesn't mean you go cheat either.
Douche (n.): word used to describe a brainless individual with the terrible mix of a huge ego and pure stupidity i.e. OP
376- Then everybody would know how "good" said females are I think this information is a little temperamental, the wrong people could see it (and it's Facebook so everybody will) and besides that, it would probably humiliate all those girls. It's really not something that needs to be made public and nothing good would come of it :)
I hope she put u in the hospital... What an ass hole!
I hope she sends someone to kick your ass. I hate cheating douchebags like you.
Did this guy actually expect sympathy for cheating and getting found out?
69 - That's a fate worse than death O.o
Op reminds me of when i was in high school there would be a select few guys that would date girls for the sole purpose of sex and a week later they would be with a new girl. I hated guys like that and being a nice guy i didn't befriend them as myself, and they were none alike, op your a ******* turd and people like you make it a process for someone like myself to show a hurt girl not all guys are inconceivable douchebags
Send someone? Hell, I hope she kicks his ass in person. I would.
I don't think he was cheating, sounds like he just has a little memoir of his sexual partners. Still ridiculously sad that he actually made a list and rated the women
That's a little harsh
238 - chronological meaning in order and his girlfriend is not last so he was having sex with other girls while they were dating....
Bam. Have this the 500th "thumbs up". Yeah cheating is a horrible thing. And who keeps a journal of that? Well I've got a journal of things but I keep that locked up safely. In my safe that no one has the key or combination for other then myself.
You're an asshole OP
You deserve it, asshole.
No kidding. OP is the reason why I don't like males.
^ you're a male..
Let's hope this is the red flag that forces you to stop being such an arsehole and to make you try to act like a decent human being. Better late than never. Or you are going to have a very shitty life complete with tons of bad karma.
Does anyone else think this guy might be a troll? I mean it sounds pretty realistic but he couldn't really be stupid enough to think he was gonna get sympathy could he? Its just a theory.
What a f*ckin asshole!
Wow you just suck
I don't buy my bulbs in packs. I also use CFL's.
i hate cheaters that post FMLs
He might not have cheated on her, the list could have been from before he met her
She wouldn't be on the list (which she was) then. Actually read
You're a horrible person. Go do your girlfriend a favor and kick yourself in the balls.
54- I tried, and succeeded in doing it. I don't think I'm going to have kids.
I think this would be doing all women a favor, not just his (hopefully ex)girlfriend.
Does this sound suspiciously like a Jimmy Carr joke to anyone else?
Man *****
I call my friend that all the time :D
Sounds more like a "**** her life". I hope she dumped you.
Hey, congratulations on being single again! I love when stories like these get published. It reminds me that just by the law of averages, for every worthless waste of skin like you, there's a good person out there somewhere.
Wow that just gave me a very positive outlook on life.
somewhere being the key word!!
Do you expect sympathy?
That's exactly what I was thinking. "Oh, F your life, OP"? YTDI
That's what u get for being a cheating Douche Bag!!
I hope she sends someone to kick your ass. I hate cheating douchebags like you.