By need € for new iron - 16/05/2013 19:49 - Germany - Gevelsberg

Today, I walked in on my sister masturbating with my curling iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 536
You deserved it 6 746


friedpwnadge 25

Sounds like she needs to be straightened out.

Sounded like she was getting hot and heavy.

groovycrazyjoe 18
RedPillSucks 31

And used it to straighten her hair?

No need for a heated debate here. I just have one question. Was it plugged in? Oh yeah, I'll bet that was HOT.

soccerguy90 4

Bahahaha, wow. That was tooooo good!!!

Sounds like a pretty heated situation

Oh, she was using it down there? "Well, you know how it is. If you have curly hair you just want straight hair" -Daniel Tosh

Um, I wouldn't use that curling iron...just sayin!!!

carleybeak 21

Maybe he's curling his nose hairs, Noor! ;)

Some people deserve a slap in the face for stupid comments ...

Did you proofread your comment before posting it?

I think 34 meant "then what would you use to ********** with" as making a joke and referring to the dirty sister ;P

As Paris Hilton would say.. "That's hot."

I for 1 don't care about what Paris would say..

Thanks for sharing that important information with us. We all really needed to know. Genuinely with no sarcasm. Thank you.

TrinityisLife 22

Sure she just didn't want superbouncy pubes?

She uses her bangs when she bangs.


I was thinking the same thing but probably for completely different reasons...

its hot and its hot and its hot *throws remote into the air*

Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends reference? Here, have an upvote.

jw90 18

Please tell me she was smart enough to not plug it in?

Hey, whatever works. Just uh this is one of those what you don't know won't hurt you things. Still she shouldn't be using yours..

I wouldn't want it anymore. "Yeah, you keep that."

Pwn17 25

Time for her sister to buy a new one!

Buy that girl a ***** already! My god you can get some for $10 and it's a hell of a lot better and cheaper than a curling iron! Check your phone too... She may have been using it on vibrate...