By annonymous - 07/09/2015 20:56 - United States

Today, while at a neighborhood party, my drunk mother told all our neighbors, including a girl I like, about my struggles with a micropenis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 873
You deserved it 2 431

Same thing different taste

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It's not about the size of the boat, it's about the motion of the ocean.

That's an awful thing to say ... Privacy, intimacy should be respected by everyone, especially those closest to you, and most of all your mother !


It's not about the size of the boat, it's about the motion of the ocean.

It's hard to cross the ocean in a rowboat

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I don't know if you realize how small a micropenis is. Maybe Google it

I googled it and felt sad. Then I went to 'images' and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be on an FBI watchlist because there were way too many naked children

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nitrog100 21

A small craft like that isn't rated for ocean use.

1 naked child is too many naked children in my opinion :P

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Sorry op, that was distasteful. My sincere apologies, my attempt at light heartedness was obviously poorly conveyed.

Symantha23 25

Why does your mom even know about that??

Um she's his mom... She has known him his whole life and taken him to doctors appointments and stuff

Denise1988 13

She probably knew he had a micro penis by the time he was 7 so why wouldn't she know?

chrisbeaudoin 26

Why were you talking to your mom about your micro penis in the first place?

I'm betting she just brought it up on all on her own.

she did change his diapers as a baby......

Pretty sure the mom could've noticed when he was a baby.

Well I'm pretty sure babies all have micropenises.

she would have noticed while bathing him around 2-3 years old. They are actually very easy to spot young as only the head is visible in most cases

Time to have a talk with mommy about what's okay to talk about in public and what's not okay.

That's an awful thing to say ... Privacy, intimacy should be respected by everyone, especially those closest to you, and most of all your mother !

Yeah, I wonder why someone drunk had problems respecting privacy. ..

I didn't realize micropenis was a real condition, I thought it was just a word made up by Cards Against Humanity. FYL indeed man. Sorry about your dick.

saffy66 34

I hope your mother is deeply ashamed for her crappy behaviour. That's assuming she even remembers saying it. OP, it might seem like the end of the world to live with this but I know a guy with a very small penis and he has learned to be a confident and popular lover by pleasuring women in ways other than genital sex. If you haven't done so, see a specialist as there may even be surgical procedures to help you.