By brokeandalone - 21/11/2011 02:05 - United States

Today, I found out my wife has been bribing my daughter to keep quiet about her affair with my boss. That would explain the iPhone 4S, the $500 shoes, the $200 purse, and the professional $300 haircut. They told me it was because she had straight A's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 387
You deserved it 4 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mr40Hands 5

Wtf, all I get for straight A's is a new basketball...

That's just wrong, I feel so sorry for you, FYL


That's just wrong, I feel so sorry for you, FYL

MrBoredGuy 1

I can honestly say that I wouldn't do that to my father, **** both of them

That is definitely crazy.. I'm so sorry OP

What's more crazy is how much money she's bribing her with!

I have a feeling that it's less like bribing, and more like blackmail...

Torva_fml 16

This is actually one of the times I would approve a comment suggesting divorce. Kick that cheating **** out! And ground your daughter... Forever..... Unforgivable.

Alexisthebestest 16

So your daughter values material items over your relationship with not only your wife, but with her as well?

Waggleton 0

Lil bitch raised the prices, big bitch don't agree. So lil bitch spills the beans. Now they are all eating rotten divorce.

I would hate to have a daughter who'd sell me out for money

tjv3 10

Well first get proof then get a really good divorce atty . Then kick the wife out of the house. Then find an attorney and get rid of the daughter legally disowned her.

bamagrl410 31

As much as your life sucks, I also think YDI for not being part of your own family. You should have been checking her grades yourself as well as finding out what the money is really spent on. And $300 on hair? I can understand the phone, but let's get real here...

FireNinja 3

That's 1400$ that was spent on keeping a secret that wasn't kept well. Money well spent??

doglover100 28
Mr40Hands 5

Wtf, all I get for straight A's is a new basketball...

Keep it up. After you use them study'n skills in college you'll be able to afford a factory of basketballs with a cushy executive job with a corner office. OP's daughter will be stuck living a lie.

All I got for straight A's was nothing :( Well, this is a true FYL. Now, I see that everyone is pretty harsh to the daughter, but I think we can't judge properly if we don't know her age. She might be twelve. If so, she would be incredibly spoiled, but it might explain why she chose your wife's side (with all the presents) instead of yours. If she's 16... a double FYL.

Don't worry, #2. When I got Straight A's, my reward was a Candy bar. :/ True story.

kevsnev 7

Lol, I get "A- don't count as A's"

All I got for straight A's was my mom yelling at me for not getting "A++" ...

I've gotten straight A's numerous times. The biggest thing I got was a hug and my family telling me to keep up the good work, and honestly I don't really want more than to know my family is supporting me :)

I hate the kids who get tons and tons of money. The most I ever got was a sweatshirt, one that I found out my mom was going to give me for my birthday the next week.

Eternal94 10

Well I only got " keep it up "

I'm not sure what I get for straightA's...

Thats more than I get! I receive a, "What happened to the other marks? No A+?" -_-

hysterical 1

I feel you guys... Years of straight As and I got squat. $1000 worth of stuff for (presumably) one year, possibly less, of straight As? Clearly there are some serious issues in this family, and the wife's cheating is only one of them.

I always have been a straight A student with first class honours and I'm involved in a lot of different positive things and all I get is a "Good job darling. Keep it up."

Wait, people actually get things for getting strait A's?

I get nothing for straight As, just a "Good job!" and, if I'm lucky, a pat on the back

I get a "good job son, now go finish your chores"

all I get for straight A's is not getting my ass beat

Watch her still win the case and take most of his least he gets another FML worth posting...

At this point I would let her take the kid

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He can keep the child if the reason or divorce is adultery! Just don't have sex with her now that you know or you can't file user adultery since having sex after knowing the fact is considered forgiveness!

rillastyle 1

His wife's getting the boss's "raise"

You didn't question this because........... No one gets that for straight As, I get them and don't get rewarded.

It's almost as if people are filthy rich in this world and wipe their ass' with iPhones.

heylesha 8

i beg to differ. i had a simple 3.0 and got drivers training, new phone, and a shopping spree.

neonblue120 6

38 - Maybe instead of a shopping spree at taco bueno, all you can eat two for one, you should have gotten a personal trainer/ dietician.

38 - Why would your parents reward mediocrity?

drawmesunshine 17

109, no, she definitely looks pretty big And she comes off as a right foul bitch. Like 106 said, why reward mediocracy? It's ******* kids up.

149- sure, you'll pass and graduate but you'll never get anywhere in life why? Because the people with the good grades and work ethic get the good stuff, and the dumb asses like you get the drive thru. Employers aren't looking for minimum effort.

YdoIhaveAchode 4

If it was irrelevant to you and your career, you wouldn't have to take those classes. And having a work ethic STARTS at school. You don't just magically get one when you start working. Even of you love your job, you will always be lazy because that's just how you are. Maybe not at first, but it'll happen.

Lasagnaa 24

Me neither because, "That's what you're supposed to do anyways." -____-

Thats 2 FYL's in 1. I will not have that kinda deal.

Sorry but 500$ for shoes? Wtf? 300 for a haircut? 200 for a purse??? Seriously YDI for letting ur daughter become a golddigger who doesnt know how to use money and for chosing a bad wife. No jokes intended ur daughter is fked up in the mind for paying that much money for stuff

vip3r20 8

the moms paying for it to shut the daughter up you dumbass. the moms not just gonna give her money, she's buying her things she wants.

What a couple of bitches. The daughter for keeping such a secret and using such blackmail to her advantage and your wife for being a disgusting **** who spends your money on her bribes.

kimmiekimmiekong 0

well ya gotta think the daughter is in such a bad position... who wants to tell a parent that the other is cheating!!! the mom was completely wrong for putting the kid in that position! the daughter may not of told the mom to give her all that stuff to keep quiet, the mom could of did that to bribe the daughter... now if the daughter did blackmail the mom than ya the daughter is TOTALLY in the wrong..... this whole situation is f'd up!

Well if the mother is being deceitful, I'm not surprised at the daughter doing it too

37 - *may not HAVE *could HAVE DONE No need to thank me!

Don't expect much from a mother/wife who can't keep it in her pants.

GVirdi 11

Damn grammar nazis r everywhere now..

Daughter should have taken the stuff and told her dad what her mom was doing. It's called doing the right thing. And you might as well let the bitch think shes not going to get caught lol.

llamalpaca382 13

Indeed. We're the managers and company presidents.

yodas0da 12 thats ridiculously messed up, especially on your daughters part. Has she no heart?!

Bitch out your boss and get a raise! It just occurred to me in some sense you ****** your boss

Both your wife and daughter are complete assholes. Especially your daughter for keeping your wife's dirty little secret. **** them both, try to regain whats left for you op.