By brokeandalone - 21/11/2011 02:05 - United States

Today, I found out my wife has been bribing my daughter to keep quiet about her affair with my boss. That would explain the iPhone 4S, the $500 shoes, the $200 purse, and the professional $300 haircut. They told me it was because she had straight A's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 387
You deserved it 4 019

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mr40Hands 5

Wtf, all I get for straight A's is a new basketball...

That's just wrong, I feel so sorry for you, FYL


I hope you divorce that nasty bitch, and I sure hope your child has a miserable life during this potential divorce. I never did anything like this to my parents as a child, and had I been in such a situation, I still wouldn't have

foxmatrix15 8

Sometimes you need to question ur manhood and the respect you have on ur family. When u don't get it you can start over with a new job and start a new family remember ur daughter was gonna move out eventually and ur wife was gonna leave u too. So get out now while ur alive and grow balls.

Honestly this is one of the worse things I have ever heard, I'm sorry OP that you have to go through that.

Wow. This is *******... Painful and disgusting. I hope you leave them both. And manage to have the upper hand in the divorce so you can get yourself some alimony. :D Lol.

Ditch dem' bitches, take the phone, sell the shoes and anything else then hack at your daughters hair when she's asleep. Divorce your wife!

SxeDaze 13

Sorry to hear that OP :/ . well at least now you have you''r boss by the balls, create a raging shitstorm on your way to his office and yell as loud as you can reguarding this incident. Create a certain list of demands that must be met or you will take this to the higher ups in the workforce.

MarjoCupcake 11

Aww man, that's gotta be terrible. If she used a card, you should report it stolen and tell the cops yoir wife and boss were trying to drain you. And send your little brat to boot camp :) Good luck man

mariet_fml 23

If you don't/can't return the gifts, give them away. Anything non-essential in her room goes with them. Find a local battered women shelter; they can give them to someone who needs them. Then shave your daughter's head bald. Tell her to have fun getting a job because you are never buying her anything ever again. As for your wife, the gifts and your daughter's testimony should be helpful in keeping her away from your money once the divorce papers are signed. Some marriages can be saved, but this one doesn't sound worth it.

herpitydurteedur 0

Yaaaay keev finally got thumbsed up for once XD At Least it's the first i've noticed it Aaand this will probably result in me ring thumbsed down +_+ oh well.