By Anonymous - 30/04/2012 04:44 - United States - Buena Park
Same thing different taste
By hfs palm - 21/06/2015 21:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 21:06 - United States - Los Angeles
You're under arrest
By poo_shoe123 - 31/03/2009 20:47 - United States
By bail? - 29/08/2019 23:00 - United States - Omaha
Gun control
By Anonymous - 17/07/2021 10:59
Don't be a dingdong
By Steve - 03/04/2021 21:59 - United Kingdom
By justgreat - 28/09/2009 15:13 - United States
Never try this at home
By Anonymous - 06/08/2023 13:00 - United States - Grass Valley
Boundaries, dude!
By JoeBidenIsMyFIL - 02/03/2020 18:00
By alealovespurple - 16/08/2009 20:04 - Canada
Top comments
Where'd you take her? To the police station, or to the local sex shop where you and me both know those handcuffs came from?...
iirc handcuffs have a universal key. So probably the police station.
If handcuffs have a universal key then why don't criminals just carry one in their back pocket in case they get arrested? That's what I would do...
Or use a bobby pin, it's really to break out of handcuffs.
It seems her father suffers from Chronnic Douchebag Syndrome (CDS). It seems to be becoming a worldwide problem these days.
16: they are illegal to have them anywhere on your body except your key ring (which is where I keep mine) . either way tho officers are taught when arresting someone to have the cuffs face up with the key holes on the opposite side of the hands so they can't be accessed by the prisioner. also they have double locks so even if you were able to get a key in them you wouldn't be able to disengage the double lock.
Thank you jerseyboy732, that was quite possibly the most informative reply I have ever received on this site. Not often you walk away feeling a little smarter :)
If you have a key then it's simply opening a lock. And if you searched a cop I guarantee they have them in more places than just their key chain. I had one on my keys, my shirt pocket, my back pocket, and the back of my belt. I also practiced getting out of them with a tiny screw driver (not unlike a bobby-pen. Just because YOU can't do it that doesn't make it impossible.
33: with chain handcuffs the orientation doesn't matter, you can rotate your hands and reach the keyhole just fine. Also a bobby pin is perfectly capable of unlocking them, you have to be able to pull the end off though and that usually means using teeth, but cops should lock them behind your back so that's quite hard to do. The double lock just means turn the 'key' in the wrong direction first, then unlock it normally. My dad has been a cop for 30 years so I have tried most of these things. It's like solving a rubik's cube behind your back but it is possible.
82: cops don't use chained cuffs anymore they use hinged ones that can't be twisted around. also most depts use smith and Wesson cuffs and the double lock on those is activated/deactivated by a little slit you slide back and fourth on the top of each cuff. don't doubt me I'm in the police academy
They do. A few years ago a man murdered three cops after he got out a hidden key. They're almost universal, I have two different brands of handcuffs, for work, one key fits both pair, but the other key only fits the cuffs they're made for.
Hey jersey boy.... So ur in the academy huh? Cause your profile says you hate cops lmao... Btw I have a pair of s&w handcuffs. And have many times gotten my way out of them with a bobby pin. Not hard at all.
2, why the hell should you be worried? It's not your kid
Why do you have real handcuffs?
For real kinds of fun of course. :)
Why don't you?
3, live a little, Rihanna even wrote a song about it!
To practise my great milkcan escape of course!
please tell me thats her step father and not her biological one
its even creepier if it were her real dad.
This is a strange FML, why would he put handcuffs on her as a joke? There are definitely more funny things to do.
Like trying to escape from a glass tank filled with water. That's fun too, don't forget the rope.
And chains, never forget the chains.
Placed handcuffs on her "as a joke"? Good cover!?
Yeah cause only real ones would do the job of making those kinky fantasies he had in mind come to life.
*she (my bad)
Wait no scratch comment 23 lmao
My motto is to usually assume they're real, and prepare accordingly.

Where'd you take her? To the police station, or to the local sex shop where you and me both know those handcuffs came from?...
Placed handcuffs on her "as a joke"? Good cover!?