By you ripped them off ages ago - 17/08/2014 06:15 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, a few minutes after giving birth to our fourth child, my wife pulled me close and whispered, "I love you, but if you ever put me through that again I'll rip your balls off." Everyone laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 055
You deserved it 16 329

Same thing different taste

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Threats to remove ones manhood is the best kind of contraception...


This isn't an FML. that's a pretty normal reaction from a woman who's just given birth.

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I think he's already planning for a sixth.

martin8337 35

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Melodija 19

Because, if they decide to change their mind and have more kids, it's far easier to reverse vasectomy than for her to reverse her tubes being tied - a vasectomy is a far simpler procedure where as tying the tubes for a woman is difficult and can have far more complications

Why not get birth control or condoms? Then neither one of you has to have any kind of surgery.

kingdomgirl94 29

Condoms and the pill actually can fail fairly easily, and thats not something theyre likely willing to risk. A vasectomy is really simple, and they don't even have to put you under. My dad got one after his forth kid and he was done in half an hour. Getting your tubes tied requires full surgery, going under heavy sleeping drugs and the recovery time is a bitch. everyone makes vasectomies sound like castration, but that's not the case. He'll even still ejaculate, there just won't be any swimmers in it.

addictedtoIASIP 14

Really? Guys cause girls to get pregnant. Girls go through all that shit the least the guy can do is get fixed seriously.

Getting pregnant is a two way street. It's not just the guys fault. Girls need to take responsibility too

If they can afford four kids they can afford to adopt, tying the tubes there's still a chance of getting pregnant if it wasn't done right, condoms break, and birth control can really mess up woman's systems. With having the guy getting fixed there isn't a reverse of that, once it's done, it's done.

Having sex is (usually) a mutual choice. Having sex with the intent of having children is Definitely a two way street.

#61 hold up now this is the age of equality of the sexes! Everything is the mans fault! Jeez don't you know how equality works? PS the above is sarcasm laced with cynicism. Still waiting on sarcasm font FML staff!

octinate 17

You do realise getting tubes tied is a full blown surgery with sleep inducing drugs and it takes a long time to recover and your body is forever ruined with a large scar, plus all the risks associated with surgery including death. Compare that to a minor vasectomy where the man is still awake while it's happening and he's outta there in half hour....

I understand that pills can fall and so can condoms. but a vasectomy doesn't always work either. And getting tubes tied it's a very heavy surgery. I don't think anything is 100% Effective.

Because she went through childbirth FOUR times. He can endure the discomfort of a vasectomy. And really, OP, get a vasectomy.

#33 u do realize u are able to untie ur tubes?

Well then either one of you is going to get their tubes tied or a vasectomy or just wear a condom

Threats to remove ones manhood is the best kind of contraception...

OP's "name" just makes this almost impossible to NOT laugh at.

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Lil_Red777 21

I don't know why people say you forget the pain, because you don't lol. It might not be in the center of your mind at the moment but it's there.

I had third degree tearing, my episiotomy reopened and all my tears ended up getting infected. I easily reached a 10 on the pain scale and ended up having to be hospitalized for a week to get my ****** fixed. My baby is now almost three years old and I'm positive I'll NEVER forget the pain no matter how cute she is.

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ChristianH39 30

62 I don't even have a ****** and that made me cringe

Rainhawk94 27

A challenge? To get her pregnant when she doesn't want to be? That's messed up.

#9 - I got confused and wondered why she would be in labor if that was so. Then I realized that maybe he meant when she started getting really hormonal, he got them removed. Or maybe they ran away from him in fear.

ripped them off ages ago.... lol perhaps he means she sucked too hard......XD(ba dum tsss) but in all seriousness, what were we talking bout? idc

If she does not consent to getting preggos again then trying to get her preggos without her knowledge is incredibly messed up.

What was her response to the previous three?

As far as I know it takes two to make a baby, so it sounds a bit unfair.

I always think that. Like women get mad at their partner and are always like "You did this to me." when in reality, she's just as much to blame.

True but the woman goes through excruciating pain along with a bunch of other issues while the man doesn't change at all. I think in the birthing moment he's an easy and frustrating target. Not right, but fairly common unfortunately.