By WhatTheBleep - 09/04/2011 04:02 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Lifetime Presents: - 06/07/2016 11:50 - United States - Southfield
By llord - 24/08/2011 02:29 - United States
Love costs a fortune
By Philip Seth Camps - 22/05/2021 11:01
Suspicious minds
By Anonymous - 22/05/2024 14:00 - South Africa - Johannesburg
By FML - 19/01/2016 06:41 - United States
By paula123 - 18/12/2009 13:02 - United Kingdom
By Elayne Warthen - 25/04/2018 01:30
Time to move on
By Anonymous - 27/09/2023 00:02
The show must go on!
By Stuckwiththebill - 28/01/2018 01:30
Sailing close the wind
By FvckMenSmh - 25/07/2022 14:00
Top comments
There's a term for this... It's called 'A Divorce'!
Oh wait. He's now an ex. Good for you. :D
Actually, I just woke up. When I re read it, I saw the 'now ex'. I'm guessing you like to make yourself feel good by mocking other people's intelligence. I'm not stupid. I got A's in my Maths, Science and English GCSE's. But I do know that I can make mistakes. Stop trolling, and give me a break.
Someone, anyone moderate my comment! Please!!
What does having an A in Maths, Science, and English have to do anything with intelligence?
Well, it doesn't. But thats not the point. @Didi. I can see the funny side. But, damn you! :P I wish you could delete comments, cos when I wrote these, I wasn't 'thinking straight'. I will never go on FML after just waking up, ever again. ;)
I would guess it means she studies and makes an effort to become as knowledgable as possible. She admitted she made a mistake already. Let it ******* go!
Thank you, Enslaved. :)
66- I think they mean just cause you get an A doesn't mean your smarter, it could mean you just worked hard and got work done, which is usually how people get A's
It's called "winning" 55. I'm sure you know of it. I'm just glad she doesn't drink tiger blood to get those A's.
Lolz I don't really think anyone here is smart
cry about it ?
She will!
And he didn't invite you?!?
I know right completely out of the question
that would be nice to see two girls going at it and one in her wedding dress
oh that's real mess up, well maybe he was drunk ?
like that's an excuse anyway?!
hey ppl do some crazy ass shit when there high or drunk and can't remember
still doesn't excuse what they do! because they are high or drunk would have to be the worst excuse ever!
or his ex was just better in the sack and he wanted one last hoorah before the dreaded day
yeah thats probably closer to the truth
Does it matter?
Wow...what a jerk. This guy reached a whole new level of being an ass. He cheated on you the day before the wedding? Why the **** did he wanted to marry you in the first place? Ugh, he's such a pathetic loser. OP, I feel sorry for you, I really do. The only positive thing is that you discovered it and therefore never married that ass. Imagine that you found out about it in your honeymoon...But shit, it's still a ******-up situation. You lost your future husband, much money, many dreams, you have to explain this to your family, and so on and so on. It's totally ****** up. He's ****** up. FYL.
Judging by the "day before our wedding" and "now-ex" parts, I think she did marry the guy... but they're no longer together. And if I'm right about the "not-so-ex" part, he's now with the girl he cheated on OP with the day before their wedding. I agree that it's (and he's) ****** up. FYLOP
hell ya tell his ass if my wife was cheating on me when I was on float I would kill her jk lol but I would be seriously pissed
hell ya tell his ass if my wife was cheating on me when I was on float I would kill her jk lol but I would be seriously pissed
and the worst part is, when you're cheated on, you feel like the dirty one... people are such pricks sometimes. feel for yah!
That's simply un-ex-ceptable.
Bet you've been holding out on that one, waiting for the ex-tra perfect FML. :P
C-c-c-combo BREAKER! hey OP, it's his last day of freedom, he's allowed. it'd be different if it were on or after the wedding day. not like you wouldn't spend the rest of your lives making each other miserable anyway.
looks like their relationship wasn't ex-clusive. |the kid|
no...he's not aloud. he engaged, he should be ready to commit. it would e the same A's cheating when they were dating or married. and OP I'm sorry, I'm glad you got tidbit him and find someone better for you :)
allowed, as just correcting myself :)
and rid of him stupid auto correct
So, are you lined up to sleep with him the night before his next wedding?
sorry don't know if I said you deserved it because u don't think that iv just pressed the wrong one. p.s. he sounds like a Dick x
I don't get guys who do that. If you want to sleep around, think you still have feelings for an Ex or don't think the one you're with is the one, DON'T COMPLETELY LEAD THEM ON OR MARRY THEM!! Simple solution! FYL for marrying a douche. OP, divorce is there for people who don't respect their partner in marriage; this is the perfect example. I don't why he wanted to marry you in the first place or make such a huge commitment when you clearly are too good for him.
Girls do it too- but usually for different reasons. Guys do it (usually) because they think it makes them cool to have more than 1 lady at a time, or they "need" more than 1 person to satisfy their "needs." Women do it usually out of jealousy or anger, or an attempt to make their man angry OR because they're using the guy for something (money, power, etc) and want a guy they actually like too. Bottom line is they're both disgusting and if you forgive it you're either a fool or a saint.
Citrusgirl, you are talking a load of crap. 'Men cheat for this reasons, women cheat for this reasons, herp derp herp'...There are a lot of reasons why people (men and women) cheat, and it's so ******* stupid to generalise. You didn't even mention 'because they love the other person more than their current partner' or 'because they are too weak to control themselfs when times are bad'. Most people don't cheat because 'it's cool' or 'as revenge'. Oh, and divorce isn't there 'for people who don't respect their partner in marriage', divorce is there for people who don't want to be a couple anymore. There's a difference in that.
1- I said usually not all the time. 2- you don't cheat if you love someone 3- I didn't say that it makes them cool I said they think it makes them cool. 4- I respect your opinions. I gave mine, you give yours. There's no reason for you to insult me if you disagree.
Also the reasons that 36 came up with are also some very legitamate reasons that I also agree with.

Wow...what a jerk. This guy reached a whole new level of being an ass. He cheated on you the day before the wedding? Why the **** did he wanted to marry you in the first place? Ugh, he's such a pathetic loser. OP, I feel sorry for you, I really do. The only positive thing is that you discovered it and therefore never married that ass. Imagine that you found out about it in your honeymoon...But shit, it's still a ******-up situation. You lost your future husband, much money, many dreams, you have to explain this to your family, and so on and so on. It's totally ****** up. He's ****** up. FYL.
and the worst part is, when you're cheated on, you feel like the dirty one... people are such pricks sometimes. feel for yah!