By holdengurl18 - 21/06/2011 04:46 - China
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 06/08/2009 11:11 - United States
He prefers the dog
By Anonymous - 19/11/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 11/11/2012 10:26 - United States - Williamsburg
By Paige - 10/07/2013 14:18 - United Kingdom - Witham
By meow - 14/01/2010 04:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/06/2010 12:23 - United Kingdom
By StillBetterThanTwilight - 28/08/2012 15:56 - United States - Minneapolis
By insert pussy pun, hurr durr - 29/06/2016 17:34 - United States - Hopkinsville
By wtf - 30/01/2015 09:00 - United States - Dearborn
By eightleggedtictac - 08/06/2014 15:10 - United States - Worcester
Top comments
Is your boyfriend two years old? What a dumbass. Try dating someone who acts like an adult.
1 don't make fun of him, stuffed bears are freaking scary.
That's just immature.

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayaww he really loves you
44, plenty of women sleep with a few stuffed animals near their bed for decoration...
mabye Asians do.
flyboykhi, you're retarded.. It's a stupid stuffed animal!! Who gives a shit! It's not like it's alive and it's screwing the girl. And you agentx52, who cares that she sleeps with a stuffed animal, it's probably a bear that she's had since she was little or something.
44, going by the fact that OP and her BF don't/haven't slept together, which is what I got from the FML, I'd actually have to agree with what 56 said and say that OP sounds like she might be a teenager.
if he is joking that's kinda a cute jealous.. but if he is serious id be concerned for later situations :/
I agree with evil potato^^^^^ stuffed animals always seem to be looking at you
If he is worried about some toy in her bed, what is he going to do when a real man talks to her...
44- Why does it matter? I know plenty of grown woman like myself who do like to cuddle up with something soft every now and again, hence having a stuffed animal. Even my sisters do it, and their adults with kids of their own. So if it's a crime now, lock us up.
are you guys serious? I think that's adorable as hell.. if he's joking that is, and I'm pretty sure he is.
sees like possessive and controlling behaviour not love.
Really nice pic', 139 !!
get off of the bf... he's probably just trying to be funny and flirty
agreed! if he was just joking that's adorable. it just shows he cares :)
Thats kinda sad.
Ok, my cat used to do that with my teddy bear. He was really jealous of it. Whenever I'd walk out my room I'd come back to my teddy bear being stuffed into my fish tank. Haha it was both cute and sad. I had to get rid of my teddy bear :| but op, with an animal it's understandable, with a guy... not so much.
I find this sad, yet HILARIOUS!! haha is competition is a stuffed animal? Lol
He just be trollin
you call that serious? I see it as a link to abusive and controlling behavior...
you call that serious? I see it as a link to abusive and controlling behavior...
you call that serious? I see it as a link to abusive and controlling behavior...
... he is just a momy's boy who gets what he wants...
Is he trying to be funny? Is he fishing for an invitation? This behavior just can't justify itself...
It's probably a plan to get her to sleep with him.
TBH= To Be Honest
Does your boyfriend have any mental issues of some sort? Cause that's pretty sad.
If you think about it OP, it's kinda cute and I'm sure he's just joking. that's how my ex was with my pillow pet.!
well it sounds to me that your an Iraqi suicidal bomber
You're name isn't funny, ignore those idiots.
I would love to have my boyfriend jealous that he doesn't get to sleep with me every night. I really don't understand your opinion.
I know! It's cute, but maybe it's too extreme for OP to handle the jelously.
Oh my, I never thought about it that way.. You win.
i agree could lead to abuse, if he acts like that with a toy how is he going to act when u talk to male friends...
because a stuffed animal is different than him beating the crap out of her? now if he was kicking her dog because he got to lay on her bed, then I would be worried. but i don't know of abuse cases where it started with jealously from a stuffed animal, unless everything time he saw the bear on her bed he would back hand her. I could be wrong though, people do crazy things
#156 yeah and awful adults are always telling little girls that "when a boy picks on you, that means he likes you!" Which only skews our perceptions of acceptable behavior
I thought it's cute but a little extreme.

Is your boyfriend two years old? What a dumbass. Try dating someone who acts like an adult.
don't ever get a vibrator...