By Anonymous - 28/12/2011 05:26 - United States

Today, my girlfriend woke up in the middle of the night, crying. When I asked her why, she said that she had a dream where we were getting married. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 743
You deserved it 3 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she cried because she woke up and realized it was just a dream.

You weren't planning on proposing, right?


You weren't planning on proposing, right?

Talientary 8

Well it wouldn't be an FML in that case.

monkeysareyummy 0
Oh_Hayy_Its_Lex 10

unless he doesn't want to get married then this dream might worry him on his girlfriend wanting to move to the next level when he wants to keep things the way they are

ThaBeasty01 5
bfrench95 0

Stop ******* repeating other people..smh. Yeah we get it, it might have been tears of happiness. Only one person needs to say it. Look at the other comments before you before pressing the send button on your comment.

dimattboy 6

Before replying to this comment read what # 76 said -_-

leeshyleeshy 6

Kinda seems like they were doing it on purpose too -.-

chell1894 13
Talientary 8

And now she's crying because you broke up with her, yes?

Chaos187 6

Break ups arent always the answer...maybe a good ole 1 2 bangaroo will cheer her up.

Talientary 8

I'm kidding, and there's always the chance that she's crying because she woke up from the dream.

Or she woke up and cried due to happiness. It's not confirmed wether it was fear or happiness that caused the tears.

Fireashes250 16

Well, if it were from happiness, it wouldn't be an FML now, would it? But, since it's not confirmed, we don't really know either way.

xMiss_Maggot 7
eltapatio16 5

Now you know not to propose anytime soon.

Xx_Dakota_xX 1

Maybe she cried because she woke up and realized it was just a dream.

I believe what you say is true, she wouldnt be crying that you were getting married in the first place if she was ur gf. And besides, i think she's crying of happiness

biasedshooter 24

It could have been tears of joy

ElectricGhost_fml 5

...maybe she isn't "the one" for you...

Ahh, but OP from the FML above this is perfect for you.