By snowinggrey - 19/02/2012 04:03 - United States

Today, I went to choir rehearsal at 7:30 in the morning. When the guy I have a major crush on stood next to me, I got really excited, so I tried to sound good. After the song ended, he asked me if I wanted some gum to cover up my morning breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 814
You deserved it 11 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw, he's caring! Sounds like he was kinda polite about it :L

DontClickOnMe 28

How embarrassing, but sounds like someone needs to brush their teeth better.


always take a few peppermints with you just in case brushing your teeth isnt working

IAdminIFlow 0

u shoulda said, i ate a mint, ur just smelling ur own breath, then walked away, slowly

Sorry op!! Did you brush this morning tho? :/

Aw, he's caring! Sounds like he was kinda polite about it :L

DontClickOnMe 28

How embarrassing, but sounds like someone needs to brush their teeth better.

AND flossing :) don't want those pieces of orange hanging in between teeth.

AND gargling using Crest (my favorite) the one that is not alcohol free :)

TheEpicMilkMan 13

well he could have busted you out about it but instead he was private about it and i mean i would have said thanks and took it cause in all honesty it would be embarrassing but it would keep you from having bad breath :3