By UnluckyGroom - 09/06/2012 23:04 - United States - East Wenatchee

Today, after a long night of partying, I fell asleep, while my bride was delivering her vows. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 140
You deserved it 59 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because it is a bachelors party it doesn't mean you should go out and get so overly drunk you have issues the following day. Do people forget they have to stand, infront of hundreds of people in some cases, and get married? YDI completely, hopefully you can come up with a good excuse to your new wife. I feel really bad for her.


You could tell her that you were praying! "You may kiss the bride" AMEN.

silbot 11

You should've gone easy at the bachelor party, you kind of deserve this one....

Look at the bright side OP. At least you didn't come to the wedding with the stripper on your arm... YDI.

"Honey, I started to tear up, so I shut my eyes."

Well fanninagans...18 beat me to it..

Whatever you do OP don't say the wrong name "i ross take thee rachel" flashbacks!!

TallMist 32

I know I'll probably get thumbed down, but I LOVE that episode XD

He needs all the luck he can get. And there will be video proof of this happening! OP, you're screwed, and not in a good way.

OP is screwed for the rest of his life. She will never forget this.

reddudeover 2

19 - You're so right OP - Let's get a pool table and make a sports den. Wife - Remember that time? You FELL ASLEEP AT OUR WEDDING?

30, although it's really mean to do stuff like that... this guy definitely deserves to be reminded.

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Umm he was up all night partying...he wasn't trying to sleep while partying.

Ok, by your logic, In college I am completely stressed by my last final EVER that decides whether or not I get into med school. So I go partying, HARD night before final. get drunk stoned and stay up most of the night. So come time to take said final I fall asleep. Because of the stress the school should understand what I did and even let me retake the test. Doesn't make too much sense does it?

Y'all are missing what 4 said. He recognizes that what OP did was a poor decision, but is saying maybe if OP explains it to his (optimistically, I'll say) new wife, she might understand and forgive him, which I would expect in a relationship where (once again, I speculate, this time off the fact that they are getting married) there is love and trust. But I in no way disagree that OP is a dumbass for making the choice he did.

107 - Really isn't much to explain. He's better off apologizing profusely and not trying to explain anything. He'd either be lying, "I was just so stressed out honey, I couldn't eat or sleep." Or it would just be a bad excuse, "I'm sorry, I just HAD to have all those shots while tossing dollars at that stripper!"

Let the excuses to your wife commence.

Partying right before the big day? Tisk tisk...

Just because it is a bachelors party it doesn't mean you should go out and get so overly drunk you have issues the following day. Do people forget they have to stand, infront of hundreds of people in some cases, and get married? YDI completely, hopefully you can come up with a good excuse to your new wife. I feel really bad for her.

I just never understood why people actually have a stag or hen night the night before! I know it's last night of freedom and all that but people just don't think things through. I hope she slapped you awake op, you 100% deserved it. you shouldn't even be writing this anyway! it should've been her fml!

Agree exactly, my sweetie and I both did our respective parties well in advance (like two weeks) so that this wouldn't be an issue... and it was really good we did; my fiance came home so drunk he couldn't stand on his own!

I had mine a week before, seems the logical thing to do and avoid these idiotic situations. Definitely deserves it. YDI

You couldn't keep your eyes open? Pinch yourself, blink a lot, bounce your knee, etc..I feel bad for the bride.

You couldn't keep your eyes open? Pinch yourself, blink a lot, bounce your knee, etc..I feel bad for the bride.

...or rock back and forth on your heels. (Caution: you might fall back on your arse)

Just tell her you got so nervous you passed out.

"I was just resting my eyes i swear!"