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By Anonymous - 10/07/2012 16:06 - United States

Today, I had to drive the guy I've been seeing for the past few months to the emergency room. So that he could witness the birth of his newest child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 527
You deserved it 8 376

Same thing different taste

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You've been seeing him for months & you didn't know he was going to be a father? You gotta ask more questions when you meet a guy!

"newest" child? Does that mean he has more than one? O.o


PasstheWhiskey 3

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Laby_fml 9

Was he cheating on his wife or just had kids? People with children get left all of the time. That doesn't make them any less of a good person.

PasstheWhiskey 3

Shit I guess honesty makes way more sense I'm gonna get shot down like a maimed rabbit hobbling across a shooting range.

KiddNYC1O 20

#1- Op did the right thing. Sort of.

He could have left his old partner while she was pregnant. OP did the right thing. Let's just hope u met this guy after 9 months ago.

There's way too much info missing from this story to make a fair judgement here.

It's also possible that his ex-girlfriend broke up with him not long after she got pregnant and may or may not have told him. He might not even be the bad guy here. (I have a female friend who did that a couple times... freak out when she got pregnant and break up with the father) Though if his last relationship progressed to the point of having a child together (maybe even more than one by the sounds of it), he may still be rebounding. So watch out for that.

thatoneguy79 10

54) this is FML. A fair judgement is not necessary. Make assumptions to fill in the blanks to make as interesting as you like, kind of like a man lib.

She shouldve taken him to the hospital and left him there and why couldnt he drive himself and why was he hoping from relationship to relationship?

You've been seeing him for months & you didn't know he was going to be a father? You gotta ask more questions when you meet a guy!

It's easier for guys to have their own "secret families" since they don't have to bear the child for nine months.

she never said that she didn't know he was going to be a father.

He already is a father. Op said "newest child". That means he already has 1 or more children. Op could've already known about the previous one(s) and was posting this because she didn't know he was having another. But I could be all wrong and if I'm wrong then... sorry for posting :(

KingCeltic77 18

Just out of curiosity, how often on a first date does "Do you have a child from a girl you knocked up and dumped?" come up in conversation?

Aye, the lack of details in this FML is appaling! So many questions!

21 - This isn't their first date. It clearly says that the OP was dating this guy for 'the past few months'.. it really isn't strange to bring up the topic of kids with someone you've been seeing for months.

Am I the only one who thinks that the people who post shit on FML, leave out a lot of detail just so their situation sounds bad enough to be an FML?

Guys no one said OP didn't know he was having a child with someone else. It only said she drove him to watch the birth.

101, She doesn't get a say in it either way. It was before she was around and none of her business what he did then. The only thing she does get to do is choose whether or not she's prepared to date someone with children, and if she is, she has to accept this as part of it. Obviously this assumes there is no missing information and he really did give full disclosure. It sucks yes, but you deserve it because you chose to be with someone who has one or more children to another person.

113- if they are serious, actually him getting a girl, or girls, pregnant is her business. even if it is in the past. pretty sure you would like to know if someone you were seeing was having a child. also, he might have hid it from her for a long time, & she could already be emotionally attached to him & feels like she doesn't have a choice to be w/ him or not.

My apologies, I was really meaning she doesn't get to judge what he did before he was with her in his other relationships. If she doesn't like the situation she is free to leave, not sit around bitching about it. Of course I believe she should be told about any of his children, in no way do I think he would be doing the right thing by keeping it a secret. I figured the line "Obviously this assumes there is no missing information and he really did give full disclosure." was explanatory of the point.

maddybopeep 2
oathkeeper77 5

At least you've only been seeing him for a few months...

By a few months I guess you mean less than 9... At least that way you know he wasn't cheating on you!

Not necessarily.... He could have still been cheating, but his trysts may not have produced a child.

Or at least not this particular child...

"newest" child? Does that mean he has more than one? O.o

Inediblepeaches 15

Yep. Congrats OP, you can now proudly say you're into man-******.

thatKidzmOm 10

And even if they're not with the same person...still doesn't mean crap. I have a daughter with my ex husband and one on the way with my future husband. Does that make me a *****? Shouldn't be so judgmental, guys!

perdix 29

#11, actually, if it is used correctly, "newest" means he actually has at least two other children. If he had only one other child, the correct adjective would be the comparative form, "newer." You see what the Grammar Nazis are driving at? If you use grammar correctly, you can transmit a lot of information in few words.

theslimshadylp 6

How do you know that he's still with the mother of his child? If he is, I'd say dump him, he's pathetic enough to cheat on his partner AND have the nerve to ask for a ride.. If he's not then either accept that he has children or dump him, there's no other way to it

You should have made that loser take the bus.

So he's a loser because he wants to be there for the birth of his child? I'd say if he wasn't there because he was off ******* some chick he'd be more of a loser.... But obviously your logic is better than mine.