By Anonymous - 19/07/2013 20:57 - Korea, Republic of - Seoul

Today, ten minutes into a blind date, my date said, "I don't mean to be rude, but... your face? It's the reason booze was invented." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 806
You deserved it 4 823

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AbstraktThoughts 13

That's when you kick him in the balls and tell him that's how men lose the ability to have children.

That's where you say, "your face is the reason plastic surgery was invented."


AbstraktThoughts 13

That's when you kick him in the balls and tell him that's how men lose the ability to have children.

Well he sounds like a keeper! when is date number two? -_- haha

That's the reason balls were invented. :p

PulseShock 9

Why is everyone assuming the OP is a woman?

44, nobody is assuming. The sign for "female" is next to her name.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

What does it even matter, 44? Damn, are people just trying to make every little comment seem sexist? You're making it worse rather than helping your cause, dumbass.

That's too harsh, in the 50s that kind of rudeness wasn't tolerated

...and risk getting charged with assault?

She should tell him, I I don't mean to be rude, but your dick is the reason Viagra was invented.

What a rude pig. I'm sorry, OP. I hope that's the last of him you saw.

Well knowing women she's probably gonna fall in love with him

Who in their right mind would take this as a love connection, 25?

With an attitude like that, the only women you can possibly know are those you have to pay for. If I were female, I certainly wouldn't want to spend any time in your company without financial reward.

Allennis44 16

At least he was complimenting her body. Still rude as **** though.

Where does it say that he complimented her?

How in the hell is being told "your face is the reason booze was created" a compliment? FFS, I wouldn't want to go on a date with you.

That's where you say, "your face is the reason plastic surgery was invented."

Damian95 16

Double brown bag special. Just in case theirs falls off, you still have yours.

"Yeah....your balls? That's the reason steel toed boots were invented." *Insert foot to crotch at high velocity with a continuing rate of acceleration* ;p What a shallow, rude jerk. How hard is it to polite, and just enjoy an evening out with someone that you aren't immediately sexually attracted to? You already set the time aside to do that anyways, and its not like you're oblidged to have a second date if things don't turn out....just go with it! :p

MzZombicidal 36

What an asshole! Tell him his personality is the reason Ambien was invented.

chlorinegreen 27

What do you need ambien for? Listen to him for 2 seconds and you're out.

olpally 32

Bitch slap him back to Bangkok.

And these boots where made for walking... I hope you did not stay to hear another word.

"I don't mean to be rude, but.. *slap*"

gavagoul 10

Wow I'm really sorry, that's a big asshole.

Zimmington 21

56- does it have the same meaning as what I'm tryin to say? I thought "gaping" would be from "gap" so for "gape" I kept the e

DKjazz 20

That would be "gapping". But gap is a noun. :

Zimmington 21

Ok, but what does "gap' being a noun have to do with anything?? 0_o

77- Parallel example: Tape. Taping. I'm taping up a box. Tap. Tapping. I'm tapping your sister. :) See? :) No confusion there. ;)

Zimmington 21

84- Thanks, good thing I don't have a sister. I learned something new today!

hannahsnyder69 16

Then turn to him and say didn't they invent prostitutes for low life scumbag jerks like you?

Any prostitute is too good for this jackhole.

Tell him it's also helps guys with tiny penises.