By Anonymous - 05/06/2015 12:21 - Sweden - Goteborg

Today, I was sick, and my voice was really low and raspy. A cute guy smiled at me and said hi, so I said hi too. He looked shocked and said, "Sorry bro, thought you were a girl." I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 526
You deserved it 2 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him that you're a girl who just temporarily lost her voice. He seems like a nice guy. (:


Tell him that you're a girl who just temporarily lost her voice. He seems like a nice guy. (:

Megatron_Griffin 25

Hopefully OP had told him, and hopefully it went well, because there doesn't seem to be many happy endings anymore. The fact that he apologized and didn't attempt to humiliate her for (what he thought) was a blunder, is why I agree that he seems like a nice guy. Hopefully OP gives us an update :)

Megatron_Griffin 25

For what he thought was a blunder* don't know why I used parenthesis there haha.

tantanpanda 26

#2, nah, stay silent. Ariel did well with prince Eric. Should be the same here.

Remember #36 Eric almost married another chick. Always skip the drama..

He said hi. He must be nice. -_-

Megatron_Griffin 25

#48, him saying "hi" isn't why we said he was nice. The fact that he apologized and didn't try to humiliate her is why he is nice. He thought he had truly made a mistake which probably made him feel embarrassed..a lot of people would have tried to humiliate the other person to get the heat off them

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how stupid are you bro? she said ".. I thought you were a girl" come on mate.

Agree with #14. What an idiotic comment #3. Maybe you need to reevaluate your inner sexual desires...

I also agree with #14, but #27, what does not paying attention to their comment or being an idiot (whichever was the issue) have to do with his/her sexual orientation or desires? Your comment doesn't contain any more logic or attention to detail than the comment you're criticizing.

I say make use of your new baritone voice by joining an a cappella group! Lol (I'm kidding. Don't worry too much about it OP, just concentrate on getting back to a healthy state again.)

Sorry Op, At least you know you look cute even while sick. :)

Lauren Bacall's voice was low. It was attractive to Bogart. You're sultry!

it's okay, you'll probably never even see him again. feel better!

Lol I hope you let him know you were sick! Or you could've just went along with it and acted like a guy. Feel better soon op!

Woman with low voice are unbelievably sexy. I can't stand girls with squeaky high voices. Shudder.

You're under the weather...that shouldn't make you lose your chance