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By hayleediaz - 16/07/2015 17:03 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, my boyfriend told me I looked nice in my profile picture. I began to reply, "Aww, thank you!" until he sent another message saying, "Mostly because your face isn't in it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 564
You deserved it 2 888

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, since you didn't put your face in your profile picture, it seems you like other parts of yourself better too.

So what was in your picture? :P Anyways hope he said it in a joking manner and in no way was being serious (:


So what was in your picture? :P Anyways hope he said it in a joking manner and in no way was being serious (:

I must say that I lean towards the latter more lol but hey anything more than an awesome personality is just a bonus (:

Well that was mean. :( Sorry to hear that OP!

Zwerik 31

Wow, that's just awful. I hope you gave him some revenge, OP.

Well, since you didn't put your face in your profile picture, it seems you like other parts of yourself better too.

leogachi 15

Maybe her face is off to the side so people can only see it when they click the full picture. FB uses a cropped version of the profile pic for newsfeed and messenger so maybe he referred to that.

juststephhere 23

Your boyfriend seems like a dick.

This is why I question why would you still want to be with him?

It sounds like a joke to me - depends how he meant it and what your relationship is like. I can't imagine someone saying that seriously. You judge it OP - but I think I would listen to him first :)

K_kanaka 26

How to be single with one message...

Bit of a dickish thing to say. If he meant it in some jokey way he certainly could have phrased it better..

He was probably kidding OP. He does like your body though!