By malcolmXXX - 14/10/2015 02:01 - United States - Savannah

Today, a girl I've liked for the longest time kept asking me to reveal my "deepest secret" in exchange for hers. Thinking this was flirting, I told her my secret was that I liked her. Her secret was that she was a "lesbian and just had to tell somebody." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 410
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's bad. well at least she felt comfortable telling you its not easy to get it off your chest. hope you can be a great support system for her.

That sucks OP. But on the bright side you're the only person she trusts enough to tell her biggest secret. That's got to be worth something. You know she really cares about you if she shares something like that. At least at the end of the day she didn't have to give you the "awww you're just my friend!" speech because I'm sure that would've hurt your feelings more. She can't help how she feels, just be there for her.


Maybe she just made that up because she does NOT like you, OP.

Perhaps she told you the elaborate lie because she didn't want to directly tell you she was not into you. XD

I kind of think, from the way it's worded, the girl brought up the topic of secrets as a way to confide in and come out to OP. I might be overly optimistic, though.

that's bad. well at least she felt comfortable telling you its not easy to get it off your chest. hope you can be a great support system for her.

Yeah I came here to comment the same thing. Take it as a compliment, since people usually only come out at first to people they really trust.

But she wasted his time trying to hide it. I mean I'm all for op sure porting but I don't feel like they have to since they were wronged. Wouldn't it suck if you were in a relationship then the other person said they were never into you and it was just a cover?

And it won't let me fix it so just to clear this up I misread first time. It's just a friend so fully support. Go ahead and down vote but it won't let me revise it even though it's been less than a minute since posting so yeah.

amileah13 26

Not only were you basically friend zoned, but she's not even interested in men. That really sucks! Sorry op!

That sucks op. I'm sorry nothing worse than wanting someone you can't have.

AIDS. AIDS is worse. Much worse. Ebola too. Cancer. So many things worse than having to find another fish in the sea.

That sucks OP. But on the bright side you're the only person she trusts enough to tell her biggest secret. That's got to be worth something. You know she really cares about you if she shares something like that. At least at the end of the day she didn't have to give you the "awww you're just my friend!" speech because I'm sure that would've hurt your feelings more. She can't help how she feels, just be there for her.

at least she cares enough to confide in you and trust you as the first person she came out to

So because he has a crush on her, she should change her sexual orientation? It's better (and much less creepy) to accept people as they are, even if that means you can't have a romantic relationship with them.

You must be really popular in the LGBT community, 12.

Problem solved if he wants the girl to think he's a creep.