Lonely hearts

By Lena - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Germany

Today, my life became a lot more depressing. A while ago, some friends and I founded a "Forever Alone" club, because all of us were single at that time. I'm now the only member left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 723
You deserved it 3 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yenze 18

That club could be a great way to meet people. Invite singles over and turn it into a party.

Wizardo 33

Sounds like you're the President of Isolation Island.


Wizardo 33

Sounds like you're the President of Isolation Island.

yenze 18

That club could be a great way to meet people. Invite singles over and turn it into a party.

mwali02 32

Or just serve food. If everyone knows that your parties are delicious, you'll have a full house in no time! You can even make it a singles potluck! Keep your chin up Lena! Who knows what is in store for you! Good luck, and have fun!!! :)

Don't worry you'll find someone special sooner than you think Don't feel discouraged(:

I just don't really get why being single is a bad thing. Or a depressing thing, rather. I enjoy my "me time" Sure, one day I'd like to have someone by my side. But why rush?

Your band name would be The Lonely Island

lexiieeex3 32

Relationships home and go, you won't be the only member forever OP

One will eventually stick though... Kind of like dog poo to your shoe

Open it up to more singles. Best way to meet people (:

yenze 18

That's great advice wish somebody said it sooner.

Oh sorry. I just saw your comment. Great minds think alike (:

yenze 18

Thats no problem, all you need are some more single friends to join the club ! And if not that then good things come to those who wait !

love is not a mystery, it's everything - dj common sense