By wispywee - 29/06/2011 17:47 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By BigDreamer - 09/02/2019 02:00
By pokeloser - 24/06/2019 07:04
By boring - 10/05/2010 10:14 - New Zealand
Soft spot
By Anonymous - 17/05/2024 16:00 - United States - El Paso
By HeadTrauma - 20/01/2009 04:23 - United States
Lonely, so lonely
By Mike - 19/10/2021 14:01
Secret sex
By anonymous - 01/12/2019 14:00 - United States - Oklahoma City
Anyone can be a 7 if you try hard enough
By Anonymous - 23/09/2022 04:00
By Anonymous - 12/03/2015 13:43 - United States - Orlando
By AgentOrion - 29/08/2014 04:16 - United States - Bessemer
Top comments
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Show it anywaylol no 2 you suck who doesn't dream/fantasize about pokemon?
Oh yes, oh yes, pika pika me harder!

why is it shiny? (Did it get bitten by a gay vampire?)
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Show it anywaygood one??
Trololol. 85 wishes he could get laid.
At least it's more interesting than that person who dreamed of a nail file awhile ago..
ever heard of pokesav? lol I downloaded it and now all my pokemon are shiny
122-- re-read the FML. instead of catching girls, like me, you're way too busy catching pokemon. grow up, people. Hey, maybe you can evolve your pokemon and train it to get you a girl, since you've probably never had one before.
185 is a big party shitter.
185, I have plenty of girl pokemon! I know all about girls
85 is right I posted a comment not about Pokemon and it got thumbed down
187- you can in fact catch starter pokemon in later games, and besides; your starter has the same odds of being shiny as do random encounters. You CAN get a shiny starter.
ur cute just saying
How does he suck, 2? I'd marry a guy like this.
I agree with numero eightyo cinco! :D You guys are annoying :)
2 obviously he doesn't suck if he caught a shiny pokemon.
I dislike the "Comment already thumbed" pop-up. D: if I wanna thumb a nice sexy comment it shouldn't have to force me to stop! ): just don't register the thumbing and I'll be happy ;D
I dislike the "Comment already thumbed" pop-up. D: if I wanna thumb a nice sexy comment it shouldn't have to force me to stop! ): just don't register the thumbing and I'll be happy ;D
LOL #38 pika pika me SO hard
its no better dreaming about girls if you dont get some. dreams are for pokemon, real life is for girls
ur annoying.
Mate been with my gf for 3 years in july, she's 21 and I'm 19, I'm quite a big nerd to be honest, but people wouldn't know that if they met me. She isn't. As for telling people to grow up, well... I'd sooner gotta catch em all Pokemon than STI's which appears to be your favourite game :o
#159: I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell #39; Keep the "Iron Tail" under control!
I love nerds D: I'd marry a Pokémon fan!
I don't think anyone who's hating on Pokemon, realizes that the people who actually support it, are comfortable enough with their identity and personality to admit to themselves and others that we all ******* loved Pokemon and no one is an exception. In fact, the Pokemon lovers here are probably better off and more adjusted then you haters. Enjoy that realization.
op...ur life is def. ****
#85, because nobody likes a person who can't respect other peoples' interests. Or a killjoy.
get a life, troll. pokemon is way better, because you can catch them and train them. the only thing you can catch from girls is an STD.
263- marry meeee haha I'm Juss saying that cuz u look hawt in Ur pic but I bet Ur a chill chick
lol you suck
that is an epic win. not an FML.
don't we all dream of that?
I dream of collecting all the rare Yugi-O cards not Pokemon
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Everybody knows that Pokémon is *far* superior to yugi-o!
Yeah, this is perfectly natural.
I see no problem with this FML. who wouldn't want to dream of Pokémon?
I dream of spelling Yu-Gi-Oh correctly.
gotta catch em all right?
Guys, what we must realize is that this kid will have bitches for days once he actually does catch the charmander.
Shit, I fantasize about pokemons being real. I would fly to ******* Japan on my ******* Charizard
ohhhh arceus slow down your so strong.
I had dreams like that when I played the shit out of those games. now I have dreams that I'm in first-person shooters...
"Char.. char.. CHARGASM" ~insurd
Unlike your waist line, 192. Boom.
Kabang! Bam! Boosh!
86- Sorry I stopped watching those shows like 7 years ago
Buttterfree up you schedule cause im gonna bedrillen you all night!
Dear 19, GTFO.
gotta catch em all
31 - I happen to like both. Pokemo for it's "creativity" and games, Yugioh for Ancient Eg pyt and card games. And I mean the originals, not the disgusting DUBs.
86 - Yugioh is technically incorrect too, but nobody cares about Japanese words. Japanese: Yugiou Engllish: Yu-Gi-Oh Japanese: Yuugi = Game Ou = King Yay for fail English DUBs…not.
423, yes! Favorite starter besides Chikorita and it's only luck or breeding that you can get a female!
U SUCK and just no just no •_•
that is awesome! :-)
one day the shiny dragonite will be mine...
You can't even do that... you can catch charmeleon but not charmandar
Your the one with the name koolcat (with a k)
43 - it's coolkat. You mispelled it and it was right infront of you
woah thats hot... did you wet your bedsheets mate?
gayboi strikes again!!!!
listen ... if you are going to be a gayboii fan... then you are going to have to start remembering how to spell my name... a true fan would
he never said it wanted to be a fan. just saying.
well he said gayboii strikes 'again' ... that suggests that he has found my previous comments amusing aswell as the one he is referring to... so in conclusion, he is a fan
YEAH MAN gayboii gets thumbs up again :D go go mate ur on fire gayboii FTW O_O
141 - is that nyan cat? you deserve a thumbs up for that
gayboii i got thumbs down for saying gratzon ur thumbs up.. Man people really hate me :P
I have a fear that gayboii is starting to grow on me. Mostly because he made a comeback from being hated. I wish I had as many fans as gayboii. (cries) (If you didn't get the sarcasm, you have the intellect of a tree frog)
(''': thanks guys
Gayboii, if you have an Irish accent that'd be bomb. -Cherry
Woah 376 your picture is really disturbing
...that's a win seriously
Gotta catch 'em all!!!
Pokemon are legit!!
you can't catch charmanders in the wild :(
I definitely agree. :) If a guy told me that he had a dream about that I would be impressed.
yea maybe it was a girl charmander

don't we all dream of that?
...that's a win seriously