By Anonymous - 28/04/2012 04:41 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 04/03/2013 14:23 - Taiwan - Taipei
By ricky the sage - 05/10/2013 00:04 - United Kingdom - Coventry
Who talks to you like that at work?
By marie - 28/03/2021 11:02
I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
By DontSniffMyHair - 07/07/2021 06:01
By Come on - 29/01/2012 00:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/12/2013 18:15 - Norway - Ytre Arna
Nice try
By gabby - 13/12/2009 17:30 - Canada
By hihaay - 30/09/2011 18:15 - United States
Family jewels
By DanJames24 - 05/06/2020 14:00
Ah, teenage love…
By Anonymous - 14/11/2022 19:00 - United States - Mineral
Top comments
Women want equality right? Give her a surprise and smack her right back!
1) From your photo I can infer that you're awfully smooth with the ladies, so if we assume that OP is equally as smooth, your advice may be the best advice possible. Perhaps Miss Feisty Hands would mistake OP's "equality" punch for a love tap, want to get frisky, eventually marry him, cheat on him, and forfeit half the house she owns to him in the divorce. In a way, you're almost his financial advisor... Side note: Clairvoyance at 6:30 a.m. just upped my coffee requirement for the day.
He can always love tap her back
#16 O'Snap... To #1 :p
Sometimes it's you...
#16 she had no right to hit him. hes listening to headphones he's not her personal radio. even if he was she still had no right to strike him. if the genders were reversed people would freak
The irony between your username and comment..
The comment is ironic. From the username "Whocarez" you would expect him to either a) not care about the situation or b) not care about the comment involving violence. This is further supported by the fact that he spelled cares wrong in his username. However since the comment does showcase him "caring" about the situation, which is the opposite of what was expected and may or may not have made you laugh, the comment is ironic.
2- Ignore someone who punched you in the face? I wish I had known to do that in elementary school...
It's simple really, silently incapacitate her, then leave, simple right.
Don't cry well ask him to go on the naughty step
It's just annoying when people listen to their music that loud.
I can't stand those idiots who feel the need to share their wonderful music with us, which is normally Nicolas Minaj or One Erection. I hate those types of people. They act like they have the voices of god on their wonderful iPod. Sheesh.
84 probably also listens to justin bieber.
#106 - One Direction are worse than cancer and aids (yes they're that ******* bad!).
You should have stood up, faced her and slapped her with your headphones saying "I challenge you to a duel!". Then engage in a gun duel, the winner gets to listen to their favorite song.
Seems legit
OP should probably take a little nap and hope that he's got a +5 to whatever attribute governs his gunnery skills. If he doesn't, he should tell this feisty lady to hang on while he summons a few golden saints. Kill, rinse, repeat, and he should undoubtably win this duel. Unless, of course, she's actually Dagoth Ur reincarnated as a lady on the bus, in which case OP needs to get off the bus as soon as possible and go find Keening and Sunder. DON'T FORGET WRAITHGUARD! Good luck, OP.
I think 21 might be making an elder scrolls reference, but I'm not sure....
Yeah, she is.
Anyone else get an erection from 21's speech?
No, I felt like she is trying to say "Guiz look at me, look at me, I'm a nerd, LOLZ! Pay attention to me!"
81- It's working.
You play Eldar? You have horrible armor saves but good psychers, though Vanilla Space Marines are much better
My bad, last comment is supposed to be @21
Put on Friday by rebecca black
#9 - Have you heard "Hot Problems" by Double Take?
Or Jeans by Jenna Rose. (correct me if i'm wrong I think that's the name of her song)
Possible solution: "never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down, Never gonna run around, And hurt you" Just a thought... -_-
After turning on your horrid song of choice, OP, lower the volume on your headphones and politely place them on her. Then, blast the volume back up.
It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday...
You want a ******* horrible song? Type "Jesus is my Friend" on Youtube. Or listen to some Justin Beiber.
Every set of earphones/ headphone are always loud enough for others to hear, regardless of volume, except when I wear those gummy ones. That was rude of that lady to do. A sweet tap and a request would make me reconsider, but a punch? Hell no, lady!
Some just have ****** up ideas in their head of deserving and such...
it was her "favorite song" ! id be upset too i wouldnt punch you tho. what song was it?? ooo oooo single ladies?
"women?" She was so fat she was plural? I'll bet they fix it, but this story originally said "women sitting next to me."
Thanks, perdix (actually according to autocorrect your name is prefix lol) I was surprised I had to scroll down so low before someone pointed this out. Public Service Announcement: 1 adult female = woman 2 or more adult females = women There are no exceptions to this rule, period, except possibly in the scenario perdix pointed out.
Maybe OP is into Women's Lit; where a very common theme is the duality of woman? Thus a singular woman is actually 2 women(barring multiple personality disorders). Or maybe it was a typo!
Must have been an awesome song to risk punching someone on public transport.

Women want equality right? Give her a surprise and smack her right back!
It's just annoying when people listen to their music that loud.