Big brain bug

By Anonymous - 09/07/2012 20:15 - Canada

Today, my mother was leaving the house to attend her sister's funeral. Just as she was walking out the door, my brain experienced the most horrific shart imaginable, and I uttered through my reassuring smile, "Have a blast." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 189
You deserved it 25 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trix_Disorder 20

Why weren't you going with her? That's your aunt!

I hope her sister didn't die in somr kind of explosion.


thundergirl_fml 2

Well your aunt will have a blast...if she's being cremated. Seems pretty shitty that you weren't going with her, it was your aunt after all.

Sounds like your mom stiffed you after the one eh?

Trix_Disorder 20

Why weren't you going with her? That's your aunt!

syley 5

Maybe he has a younger sibling (that the mother doesn't want to go to a funeral) to look after while she's gone or maybe he never even knew her or maybe he simply didn't want to go. There are numerous reasons, some good some bad, that a person wouldn't attend an aunt's funeral, these were just a few I came up with.

candylandy 1

Who cares the circumstance, if it's important to their mom then they should at least go for support.

You are correct, the circumstances never matter. Even if OP had a sibling who was sick at home and needed to be taken care of, OP would still be a horrible person for not going.

missamazinggg 12

If OP's sibling was sick, she should stay home to take care of said sibling. It'd be worse to leave the sibling home alone.

Guys, I'm pretty sure 64 was sarcastic.

85 - sarcasm on the Internet? Get outta town!

I hope her sister didn't die in somr kind of explosion.

I hope your aunt didn't die in an explosion Noodle beat me. Damn it

Yes I do. 2oc types faster than I do. I know I know I look like a douche right now.

GovernorGeneral 8
hockeyoceancity 13

Why you get thumbed down i will never know... Less then a minute difference.

Don't worry about it, after i clicked send your came up so. Can voche we wrote at the same time.

thatKidzmOm 10

:-D you called him noodle. That's funny!

And if he changes his picture, no one will have any idea why.

flutter4 7

Why didn't you go to your aunts funeral to support your mom?

Maybe they'll all go party after the funeral to lift their spirits.

Why would you go to a party after a funeral? If anything, I don't think that I would have fun at a party right after a funeral. I would be pretty bummed out and drink a lot.

^^its called a wake(I'm not sure if that's how you spell it, I've never written it down)... Sometimes it's just like lunch or something, but there's been one at every funeral I've ever gone to

XTheDesertSongX 17

It's The Land of Ooh, by the way, not Ooo.

Trix_Disorder 20
perdix 29

Not going to your own aunt's funeral tells me all I need to know about your character. Your mom has long ago given up on listening to the garbage that comes out of your mouth.

Really? There are many legitimate reasons a person is unable to attend a funeral. You can't judge a persons character based off a few sentences about them. That would be ignorant.

Wow yes you can, Its your aunts funeral and If you can be that rude not to show up then you are a horrible nephew

perdix 29

#40, it's possible, but I think unlikely. There are almost no places that will not let you attend a family funeral. I don't know of the OP had a bad relationship with her aunt, but she should have gone for her mom's sake.

Ignorance breeds intolerance. Perdix, I'm disappointed in your rush to scold op when you have such little knowledge on the situation at hand. Jumping to conclusions is a bad thing to do in almost any situation.

alisidewinder 9

What of they couldn't afford all to go? When my husband's aunt died we couldn't go because we couldn't afford it at the time. Plus I was very sick so couldn't fly. There are reasons as to why people can't go. Most of them are worthless, but some are legit. Who knows what OP's excuse was.

I'm guessing that the OP didn't know her well since she called her her mom's sister rather than her aunt. That said, I've gotta defend perdix; there are precious few excuses for skipping a relative's funeral... Plus, do it for your mom!

I'm guessing that the OP didn't know her well since she called her her mom's sister rather than her aunt. That said, I've gotta defend perdix; there are precious few excuses for skipping a relative's funeral... Plus, do it for your mom!

curlyfry33 8

I agree with mr. Foremen, the guy sitting alone, and the dog. You never know what the situation is and should never judge people on only hearing half of the story, sometimes your right but other times you look like a bigger dick than what you claim the other person to be.

I didn't go to my aunts funeral but my mum did. Why? I never knew my aunt. I felt uncomfortable being at a funeral while people are upset, because I would feel like an imposter. Does that make me a bad person perdix?

Our family had a big argument that split us down the middle. My mum went to my aunts funeral because it was her sister, but noone else went with her

Good on you :) Yes there could be MANY reasons he didnt go. dont judge. he is probably really ill, or it was probably personal reasons.

Sorry. I meant "good on you to #80" for stating a point.

perdix 29

#80, that's a very unusual situation. Sure, there are scads of very unlikely scenarios that excuse the niece's absence, but it's most likely that she's just a shit.

FurryRocks 10

I was on a canoe trip instead of a family funeral and they didnt let me go to it

Why the hell were you not at your own aunts funeral? Let alone not caring enough to actually be sensitive about the situation???