By Thomas - 11/11/2013 17:20 - United States - Portsmouth

Today, my wife and I were watching Killing Kennedy. Jokingly, I said, "Spoiler alert: he dies." She threw a book at me and won't talk to me. I think she's serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 421
You deserved it 7 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just keep watching with her. When the motorcade starts going down the street, just yell, "DUCK, JACK!" After he's shot, she'll be amazed that you accurately predicted the outcome. She'll think you're a genius. It couldn't possibly go wrong.


Beansprouts. The life of grizzly bears. Or Harry Potter. Hmmm...I just discovered that my phone has Harry Potter in its predictive text.

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#3. If you're serious I feel bad for you.

3 - Kennedy's assassination is a widely known historical fact. It's also in the goddamn title. There is no excuses for anybody on the receiving end of this "spoiler".

StompinOnCrayons 15

In a different film, titanic, the iceberg hits the ship. *spoiler alert* Isn't it just general knowledge to know about such incidents ?

I sincerely hope you were being sarcastic. The title was a dead giveaway.

AmongTheShadows 8

Can you guys not spit a joke? #3 is obviously joking

For the sake of humanity, go read some kind of biography on JFK. (If you were serious)

28, you mean the ship hits the iceberg!

pistolpete31000 7

#3 is obviously joking ******* assholes got nothing but hate on here

OMG!!! You mean he DIES in Killing Kennedy???

Yeah I got so shocked when that happened too. Why Kennedy why!!!! ;-;

Just keep watching with her. When the motorcade starts going down the street, just yell, "DUCK, JACK!" After he's shot, she'll be amazed that you accurately predicted the outcome. She'll think you're a genius. It couldn't possibly go wrong.

I just realized when I was watching that movie last night how similar JFK's first name was to his wife's, mainly because I never heard anybody refer to him as "Jack" before. I wonder if that made things weird in the bedroom.

I'm completely lost...the J in JFK is John, yes? There might be some subtle joke here but I don't see it.

Jack is a variant of John. His legal name was John, and that's the name he used in his political career. But in the movie, "Killing Kennedy," his friends and family kept calling him "Jack." If that's really what people close to him called him, then his name would have been very similar to that of his wife, Jackie.

Oh bloody hell, you just spoiled the movie for me!

How could you spoil it for her and not feel bad? I am mighty ashamed of you young man! -shakes my head- just when the world was starting to look bright too...

red225 14

I guess that bullet flew past your head.

Well, you shouldn't have ruined history for her, she may have wanted to learn if he died in Killing Kennedy, shame on you OP

perdix 29

Why was she holding a book? I doubt she knows how to read one.

She might have been holding it just for the purpose of throwing it

LOL...I am baffled that there are comments from people just as clueless complaining about your "spoiler". I can only hope they are not from the United States and therefore have an excuse to not know American history. Here's some help: 1) The title itself is a spoiler. 2) Your history book from 6th grade also contains the spoiler. PLEASE learn basic history people.

GwennaRose 22

Didn't we FMLers make a rule a while back to surround sarcastic comments with tildes? ~~ so that the more...gullible of our peers would understand the sarcasm?

old_enough 5

I'm not from the US but I still know that Kennedy was killed. That's general knowledge!

GwennaRose - Rules here are like cobwebs. People see them and realise they should do something about them, but they just can't bring themselves to give a ****.

robbins28 7

I know right? There's no obvious information lets say in the title to show how the movie ends..

astralvagan 20

what about spoiling a show on TV, which this is?

The title even gives it away. She shouldn't be pissed.