By Eisenhorn - 10/06/2015 17:55 - United States

Today, our mouse problem finally started to go away. Now we have a snake problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 629
You deserved it 2 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't take care of that problem it'll just come back to bite you in the end

Sounds to me a little like how The old lady who swallowed a fly story goes. Who knows what's coming in next.


Burn the house down. Do it now, before any of them can escape.

76 i think he's refering to the toads, which are poisonous

Must be from Slytherin the way they thumbed you down

Just wait the problem will slither on by...

If you don't take care of that problem it'll just come back to bite you in the end

leogachi 15

I love that this comment can be both figurative and literal.

Snakes?!! Dang, that would cause me to want to move! Best of luck, OP !

After having lived in a house with a mouse infestation I'd rather have the snakes, at least as long they are not an immediate danger to humans (poisonous or big enough to cause serious damage). At least snakes will not eat the Tupperware containing your food, your food, your textiles, your bed, your papers and books, your candles, your wires and half your furniture.

Sounds to me a little like how The old lady who swallowed a fly story goes. Who knows what's coming in next.

Turn that problem into profit by making shoes out of them.

And when your snake problems end, you'd have a mongoose problem.