By izaya - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Muskogee

Today, I woke up with a electric dog collar on my neck. I wouldn't have noticed it until my stepfather turned the collar to the highest intensity just to wake me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 914
You deserved it 2 201

Top comments


Naith 14

You might need to get a new alarm Can I recommend this one I have Sonic Bomb SBB500SS https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000OOWZUK/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_OrJMvb75M4GEG

Naith 14

Here is a U.S. Link http://www.amazon.com/Sonic-SBB500ss-Vibrating-Alarm-Clock/dp/B000OOWZUK

^^actually #1 I think (s)he needs to get a new step-dad.

Can anybody fill us in on what #1 said? It's already been moderated.

what was his reason of doing.that, seek some help op.

lexiieeex3 32

Regardless of the reason, it's still illegal.

football98_fml 20
sonasonic 34

Why did you remove the battery?

Durantye 8

So that it wouldn't shock more people silly 90.

ihavenolifehaha 16

Don't worry op, it was just a joke.

"Joke" or not, that is not appropriate.

If someone punched you in the gut, would you find it a joke as well?

Durantye 8

Haha yeah, such a joke, here #9 have some acid in your face in the morning, haha what a wake up call amirite? Such funny jokes here, ha ******* ha.

You should probably talk to someone, notably the cops.