
By embaressed - 19/12/2009 09:44 - United States

Today, I was standing outside a store about to flirt with this guy when my mother drove up and shouted, "Hurry up, I have diarrhea!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 843
You deserved it 3 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MoonyIce 0

Claaaassic. That's too awesome. At least you were only 'about' to flirt with him and hadn't actually started in on it.

justdancebbyx3 7

You should have said to the guy "My love for you is like my mother's diarrhea. It can't be held in."


justdancebbyx3 7

You should have said to the guy "My love for you is like my mother's diarrhea. It can't be held in."

AnaMaree 0

how old is the OP? And if she's still getting driven by her mom she doesn't need to be flirting with random people.

Lol! Almost as shitty as the time I inhaled KaySL's ****!

MoonyIce 0

Claaaassic. That's too awesome. At least you were only 'about' to flirt with him and hadn't actually started in on it.

is your mom always so open about her bowl movrments? if she is thats kinda disgusting. you should talk to jer about that

magnetic_aura 26

That's? Movements? Her? Lot of proofreading to do...

Tell her to hold it in and continue flirting with the guy.

#5 you should be but in prison for child abuse!!

thighsofglory 0

Your mom, FTW. You'll move out of her house the first chance you get.

That is too cool gotta pull that one on my son!!!

robotiick 12

lol if u do u gatta do the expression of holding it in lol trust me it will me hilarious

I hate when people can't spell embarrassed. It's really not hard.

and we all hate faggots like you who make a big deal out of stupid shit like this.

gigi2009 0

about to? your mum's brilliant :)

halliekayy 0

could be worse.she coulda said "hurry, i got the pepto for you so you dont keep killing everyone with your gas!" thatss something my mom would to